Chapter Six

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Sophie hadn't left her room in over a week. Keefe had tried to motivate her. So had Elwin and Biana and Edaline and even Dex. She didn't eat or sleep or talk other than a few words here and there. Keefe was getting more worried everyday but still was trying to battle this newly found grief of his own. Although he was still unsure of exactly how and what happened he had spoken with Elwin, who had done research of his own and was trying to wrap his head around the fact that his and Sophie's baby was no longer there.

He knocked on the door to Sophie and his bedroom and entered carrying a plate of food and a glass of water. Flori had found a few different plants that she said would help with the grief as well as her body and mind. Edaline had been around earlier and was a bigger help than Keefe could have imagined.

Keefe placed the plate on Sophie's bedside and snuggled up next to her, wrapping his arms around her.

"How are you doing, baby?" he whispered into her ear.

He didn't realise she was crying until she turned his face to look at his.

"It' fault" she sobbed burying her head into his shoulder.

She kept sobbing incoherent things while Keefe rubbed her back and whispered more things into her ear. 

"Shhhhhhh, it's okay. It's not your fault, Sophie. You didn't do anything wrong"

They stayed like that for a while and Keefe felt his eyes get wet also.

"We can try again Sophie. And i promise you we will make it work. No matter what i love you and i need you to know that i don't blame you. For anything. This isn't your fault"

"But, what if i can't" Sophie sniffled. "What if there's something wrong with me"

"We never know until we try Soph, and we can always adopt. But we don't have to make either of those decisions now, or even in the near future. We can wait until were ancient and have pointy ears if you'd like"

He almost got a weak smile from her then and she held him tighter.

"I love you, Keefe Foster"

I love you, Sophie Sencen"


Hey guys, I am so, so, so sorry i haven't updated in forever and left you guys in the dark for so long I've had a really hard and troublesome few months and haven't had the time or headspace to write. . Especially with the cliffhanger in the last chapter. This is kind of a filler chapter so I promise the next one will be longer, I just wanted to get back into writing this story and not leave you all waiting any longer.

Thank you for all the support, comments, votes and reads they mean the world to me.

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