recom mendation - list!

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Hi! I just wanted to share some Genshin Impact fanfic recommendations I think deserve more readers!

Of course, if you want your own fanfic or one shot book to be added here onto the list, just DM me at any time and I'll add you here.

Apologies, if it gets annoying, this will constantly be updated. And, I sincerely hope you all do go follow these wonderful people and read the content they have in store for you..!

《 one-shot book 》


[ p l u n d e r ]
《 fanfic 》

about: it's an oc x various characters. involves action, romance and fantasy. from what i read, it also involves greek gods, and you at least know that her OC is a fallen angel.

review: it's only a chapter in so far, but the writing is very amazing. if you love reading detailed writing, i highly recommend you giving her book a read. she captured the details of her story very beautifully!


Tales of the Light (Anemo)
《 fanfic 》

about: go through an amazing retelling of the traveller's adventure, written in the form of an actual story. Based off on Hikari, others know her English name to be Lumine.

review: for a first story, it's pretty good! the story is still in its intro phase, so far it's a light read, and if you really want to enjoy the feel of actually being emersed in genshin's storyline once more, add it to your library and give it a vote! i'll continue to read it myself, so you should read it too and talk about the book with me~

DISCONTINUING - Fairytale Dreams [Diluc x Reader x Kaeya]Where stories live. Discover now