Part Fourteen: Heaven

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I wake up in a red, silk robe. I was laying in white blankets, sheets, and pillows in the prettiest room I've ever seen.

It then hits me.. I'm dead

I look up at the ceiling and feel my head still pounding. I see light coming in through the windows. Carefully, I get up and limp to the balcony.

I open the sliding door with the clearest glass you've ever seen and I walk onto the balcony. My feet touch the stone floor as my hands find their way to the cool, metal railing.

I smell the air around me. It was fresh. It didn't smell of explosives, blood, or gunpowder. It was clear and comforting.

I look out around the beautiful city and smile realizing I'm at peace. I died around the man that I loved and I was now in the most beautiful afterlife you've ever seen.

I could smell fresh coffee and daisies in the air as I held myself up on the railing. I looked down at my calf and thigh to find them stitched up. I feel over my shoulder blade to find them stitched up as well.

I then begin to think about the rest of the people on that Plane. I begin to wonder if Hans misses me or if Theo, Fritz, and Karl are safe.

I smell the air again as I hear a door open.

"Oh my god." I heard a familiar voice say. I turn around and see Hans in the doorway of my room in near tears. He runs to me and clings to me.

"I thought you weren't gonna make it," Hans says as he kisses me and holds his palms on my cheeks. "I'm not dead," I say, puzzled. "No, you just blacked out on the plane," He tells me as I smile.

"This place looks a lot like heaven then," I say as we both happily laugh. "Don't scare me like that," Hans tells me as he kisses me again.

We hear a knock from the door and Hans yells. "Come in," He says and I see Theo come in with Karl, Fritz, and A blonde man walking in behind him.

"You're alive," Theo says as he smiles and hugs me. "Did you all really miss me?" I ask as I smile while Theo breaks our hug. "Well due to the fatalities last night, you've kind of filled spots in a part of the gang," Fritz says and for once, I see Karl slightly smile.

"So what do we do now?" I ask with a smile. "Who cares, you all brought back $640 Million dollars." The blonde headed man says.

"Oh, Scarlett. This is my brother Simon Gruber." Hans introduces me as I shake Simon's hand.

"Imagine my surprise when as well as 12 cases of bearer bonds, my brother carries a girl off the plane," He says with a laugh. "Imagine mine when I could understand the terrorists taking over the building," I say.

"You Are of German descent?" He asks me. "Trotz meines amerikanischen Akzents, Ursprünglich aus Dortmund" (Despite my American accent, I'm originally from Dortmund.) I tell him and he looks surprised.

"So where are we right now?" I ask. "Frankfurt. Just for the day. Well, wait till tonight before we move back to Berlin." Karl tells me.

"Well, I guess those terrorists you got out of jail should be calling any minute now," I say with a laugh.

"I already got a call from the Asian Dawn Movement," Hans says and all of us laugh together........

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