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I'm in a dingy room, made out of thick stone and lit by a solitary lantern that throws the room into a soft, shadowy orange glow. There's one bed, old and worn, with scratchy wooden blankets and a lumpy pillow. Basically, I was in a threadbare cell and completely at the mercy of an unhinged lunatic and his batshit crazy friends. All in all, not terrific for me.

I sit still on the bed for a second and listen. Apart from the distant rush of water, there's an eerie silence. I don't think anyone is watching outside the door, which is very beneficial for me. I know that I need to get out early. The longer I stay, the weaker I'll become, and escaping will be even more difficult. Which means, now's my best chance. 

I'm trembling and feel sick to my stomach, like I'm about to throw up. I take small, nervous steps on my tip toes to the door, every muscle tensed and straining to avoid making a noise. Only five more steps to go, I think to myself, a mantra that I hold onto as I inch my way closer. Four more to go. Three more to go. Two more to go. One and- my fingers close around the brassy handle, gripping tightly onto the cold metal. I hold my breath in as I push it down and ease the door open. It swings outwards without so much as a squeak. Thank god. 

I exhale a puff of air in relief. There's no one around, and I can't hear anyone in the distance. I opened to a long hallway, periodically lit with torches. I go with my gut, and head left. It's dark and terrifying, as I try and walk as fast but as silently as possible, but my nerves are getting to me and my brain is screaming  get out now so I start to sprint. I climb some stairs, smooth and polished, and once I reach the top, the hallway starts to open out, breaking off into different rooms. And there's sunlight. Blissful, bright sunlight, which means I'm not underground anymore, and I'm close to escaping. As it turns out, sunlight is fast becoming my new favourite thing. 

 I crouch and start creeping forward when I hear voices talking. I freeze instantly, ducking down behind a wall, refusing to breathe. They ring clearly, Sapnap and George. Just my luck. I shakily stand back up. From my point I can see them in one room, and the door to the outside in another, however they have a clear view of my entire pathway there.

 If they see me, they could catch me and I would be screwed. As in killed in a fit of rage screwed. But I can't go back into that room. I can't abandon everyone back home. So I take a deep breath in and line up my path.

They're both arguing about something, like two children over a toy. It's loud and they're both clearly distracted, George frantically waving his hands around and Sapnap yelling at the top of his lungs. I take my chance. I bolt, sprinting towards the door, not even looking back. I fling the door open and hear them shout behind me. A rush of adrenaline shoots through me at their realisation and I pick up pace, feet flying through the field.

I can hear Sapnap's maniacal laughter over my right shoulder, presumably cackling with glee at the chance to hunt me down. George is silent but I can hear another pair of footsteps streaming behind me on my left, catching in the tall grass. My legs are screaming at me as I push on, heart thumping painfully, lungs burning. I'm dizzy from the bright burst of sunlight, and the fact that I've been knocked out twice in two days. It's all wilderness around me, as I make it out of the field and turn into the cover of the forest. The shadows hide me better, and I weave in between the trees and bushes. I can hear the ferocity of the footsteps fading, voices becoming muffled, so I start to slow down, jogging as I focus on the path ahead. 

Then a hand snags my arm.

I scream as the hand grips tighter around my bicep and yanks me backwards. I stumble and fall, the grasp faltering. I frantically scramble backwards on my butt, trying to put as much distance between myself and my attacker. I twist around and get to my feet as strong arms wrap themselves around my waist. The hands find my wrists and hold tightly, as I'm slammed face first into a tree, hands pulled behind my back, a hard chest pressing against me.

"Going somewhere princess?"

Oh fuck.

Out of everyone who could have caught me it was him. I grunt, my face scraping against the bark (no doubt tearing open my cheek wound) as I struggle against his iron grip. I'm thrashing around, trying to kick my legs out and break his grip, but he doesn't falter; hands closed tightly around both of my wrists, chest in my back. He's far too close to me, and as I shiver in the cool, I remember the thin T-shirt and shorts I'm wearing, and just how vulnerable I am right now. It makes me squirm, my tummy flipping itself upside down with discomfort.

"Feeling brave again?" He breathes in my ear, in a taunting tone, "need I remind you of what happens when you're feeling brave?" 

He flips me around, and suddenly I'm centimetres from his mask, arms pinned down either side of my body. Our chests are pressed together, both of us still breathing heavily from running. He's too fucking close and my body is going crazy, my wrists feeling almost on fire from his hands, my face hot too, stomach doing cartwheels, heart beating wildly, and I can't stand it. I struggle wildly, using all my strength to try and rip my hands free, to put some space between me and him. Instead, he uses his hips to pin mine to the tree, our bodies now completely pressed against each other. 

I stop struggling, barely able to move. We stay like this for a few moments, staring at each other before he peels his body off of mine, slowly. His mask has pulled up in the struggle and a flare of irritation shoots through me at the sight of his smirk. My face feels on fire now, and I have no doubt it's tinged red. He lets go of my hands, but I still only have an inch or two of breathing room, which is most definitely not enough. I'm struck by the horror of the situation. Out of all people, Dream caught me, and is now looking at me with the same sick grin as serial killers probably do before they get to play with their victim. I can't go back. I'll never get to see my friends again. 

I suddenly thrust my knee up between his legs, and he goes down in a grunt of pain. He's clutching his groin as I tear through the woods, feet catching on roots and grasses as I force my way through. 

"Rosemary!" He thunders, and it terrifies me. He sounds more angry than I've ever heard him, as he gives chase, crashing through the forest behind me. He's gaining ground rapidly, and fear is pulsing though me in razor sharp waves, as I frantically try as put distance between us. I squeal in fear as fingertips brush my back and arms, desperate wild attempts to catch me. I can hear him breathing now, feet flying underneath me as his fingertips inch closer and closer to finding purchase on my clothes. 

I hear him go down behind me, a flurry of curses and a feeling of victory shoots through me. Then a hand grips my ankle and I go down.

I'm flailing on my stomach, hands desperately digging into the dirt as I scramble to get away from him. But he manages to drag me back, flipping me over and slamming my swinging arms into the ground above my head, his knees trapping my legs, bodyweight pinning me down. I'm completely entrapped again, barely able to wriggle as he silently surveys me from his position. I'm uncomfortable, a nervous tension tightening my belly once more, a feeling I've grown to connect with him. He leans even closer, and tiny space between our lips.

"You're in so much fucking trouble"


A/N well, this is heating up! This wasn't a lot of plot, more just fun stuff to read (and write). Next chapter we  get to know Rosemary a bit better. Rosemary is also going to start interacting with George and Sapnap, as well as dive into the whole mess with Eret over the course of the next couple of chapters. 

I hope you enjoyed! Please comment and vote as it means a lot to me and helps my story!

Oopsies x

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