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READJUSTMENT IS a painful thing, Valarie had came to learn. Being thrown back into society and asked to take a few months to herself. It was boring. Everything was boring. She had tried, god knows she tried. She watched new shows on TV, got a new job, did her class work. But nothing seemed to fill a void in her, that she knew wouldn't be filled by anything.

Time had passed, and the only thing that came close to a semblance of excitement was her contact with Martha and Jack. But her day to day life was bleak. She could almost compare the feeling to homesickness. But she was home, so the feeling of longing wasn't for here. No, it wasn't for her home at all. And when her parents would phone, asking of the Doctor she would only look at her calendar on her fridge and tell them he hadn't came back yet. On her calendar she marked down to the day, and even the hour, he was supposed to come back. But she still felt sick at the idea he wouldn't.

She was mad at him, in a way. For forcing this upon her. She didn't know, if she saw him again, if she would kiss or slap him.

It had been six months and four days. He was late, and she was bitter. It was raining that morning and the smell of coffee filled her kitchen. The television in her living room played a popular show, but Valarie had turned it on for simply background noise. She held her phone between her shoulder and ear as she added milk to her coffee and sugar, listening to Jack's ramble about a recent situation Torchwood three had dealt with. She kept giving him hums and 'yeah's to ensure she was listening, but truth be told she wasn't sure if she really was. He paused on his end, and sighed.

"Still haven't heard from him?" She inhaled through her nose and set her cup down, opening a cabinet and fishing for anything she could eat for breakfast. Her tone was distracted, and he knew where her mind most likely wondered.

"No. And he was supposed to be back four days ago." She looked at the ca lender, and the large x's she had drawn over the dates.

"You can't spend forever waiting on him." He told her. It was over the few months and several extensive phone calls the truth of how strongly Valarie felt for the Doctor came to light to Jack. He sympathized with her. He knew how it felt to feel overlooked like that. Valarie stirred her drink.

"I know. I just don't like to think he would abandon me like this. I thought we were close."

"I know. Just promise me if another month goes by you won't keep yourself locked at home, worrying about him and when he will come back. I already got a lot on my plate and worrying if Valarie Scott is a hermit or not is not something I need to add to it." He teased.

"Listen here, my life is none of your concern, captain." She laughed. The conversation was cut short after that. She told him goodbye and hung up, drinking her coffee and beginning to get dressed for the day. She had even debated at times to seek trouble out, wondering if it would fill that hole or bring him back to her.

She finished her coffee and got dressed for the day, deciding today she needed to head out for groceries. She changed clothes into a something simple, and pulled her hair back. She grabbed her coat and an umbrella next to the door, sliding on rain boots and leaving her flat. She was sure to lock the door behind her.


Valarie walked along the produce section, hands resting on her cart as she eyed an array of fruits. She pursed her lips, her budget in the back of her mind. She wasn't exactly rolling in it, with a job in a shop. But enough for now. For now. She picked up an apple, turning it around and around and examining it. She pulled a plastic bag to hold the produce off a station nearby and began to drop a few into it. She was suddenly bumped into, stumbling forward.

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