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The silence between Obi-Wan and Phoenix came and went. Sometimes it was a long silence when Obi-Wan was searching for something in particular. Sometimes it was short and they were discussing their next steps or any evidence that Obi-Wan had discovered. There wasn't much but it was slowly coming together

But Phoenix knew that she couldn't sit back and do nothing for much longer. The assassins wouldn't stop and that had become abundantly clear. They were bold and even despite a Jedi protecting her, they had nearly got her. Nearly killed her in her own home.

Every time they had encountered the assassins, it had never been on Phoenix's terms. It had always been on the assassin's terms and they always had the upper hand. Phoenix hated that and so, as she sketched, she began to think. Think about how to draw the assassin's out and how to force them to work on her terms. She knew it was risky and whenever she even mentioned the idea of using herself as bait, Obi-Wan shut her down.

Well, he shut her down for the first few hours. It didn't take long until he began to realise that it was one of their only choices and Phoenix's arguments were eloquent and convincing. So, Obi-Wan - with reluctance - agree to her plan. He knew it was a bad idea. Deep down he knew he couldn't put her in harms way but everywhere had been a dead-end.

In the back of her mind, Phoenix also knew it was a bad idea. She knew that this could end in her death but she had faith that Obi-Wan could protect her. It wouldn't even seem like he was there to the assassin but she knew he would be and she would be safe. The only problem was Jax.

"Will Jax agree to this?" Obi-Wan asked as he watched her flip through her sketches. She returned to an older sketch. It was a bar scene that she had begun the last time she was on Coruscant months ago. It captured the feeling of the bar spectularly and she could remember the night so clearly even if she had had one too many glasses of wine.

"He has to." Phoenix retorted. She glanced up and sent Obi-Wan a half-smile. Obi-Wan quickly averted his gaze, feeling caught. He enjoyed watching her work and he always had. It brought him a sense of peace he hadn't felt since he was a teenager. It was calming in such a hard time for the Republic.

"He is not agreeable and he doesn't view the world in the same way you do," Obi-Wan retorted and Phoenix hummed in response before she placed her pencil down and looked at him. The morning sun was pouring through the windows, lighting up her face in a soft glow of orange and Obi-Wan found it hard to keep his gaze off of her.

"You're right. He doesn't realise that it would be the greater good and he doesn't want to lose the status and reputation us being together gives him if something happened to me. His family cares about reputation and this would damage it. But he will agree because he knows that whatever happens to me, it will either scare me away or allow his sister to take my place if I get hurt," Phoenix responded. She knew why Jax had chosen her. It had become clearer and clearer over recent months. It was reputation and family and if he learnt the ins and outs of being a Senator from Phoenix, he could help his sister when she eventually stole Phoenix's spotlight. It was never about love for him.

FROM THE ASHES, obi-wan kenobi ✔Where stories live. Discover now