Chapter Six

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Rapunzel had struggled to focus on her duties that day. Her mind kept straying back to her nightmares. It had gotten to the point where her parents had suspected that she might be ill and told her to go to her room and rest.

Rapunzel had complied but reluctantly. She didn't want to rest. She didn't know if she'd accidentally daydream or regularly dream another vision. The thought of that worried the princess to no end.

The princess was now sat on her window sill looking out at the kingdom, watching the villagers go about their days. Knowing how they were probably just happily doing their own things made Rapunzel smile.

Her eyes then wondered to the forest and the dark castle that stood in the distance. Her smile faltered, knowing that Varian and Cassandra, her ex-best friend-turned-kidnapper-and-traitor, were locked away in that fortress of shadow.

Rapunzel sighed deeply and brought her knees up to her chest.


Rapunzel looked up as Eugene came in, a trace of her smile returning.

"Hey," she greeted softly.

"Everything ok?"

The two sat together and spoke late into the night, finding comfort in the others voice and hold.


Cassandra and Zhan Tiri were deeply concerned.

"How is he not dead?!" Cassandra queried out loud as she ran a hand through her hair.

"It's a wonder, truly," Zhan Tiri returned.

Cassandra peered around the corner to see Varian lying down on his rock bed, watching the moon rise. She huffed out a sigh and paced around their secluded little spot.

"We need to get him to eat somehow."

Zhan Tiri nodded in agreement. The boy was definitely going to die if they didn't do something soon. He hadn't eaten for what? four days?

"Well I think we can rule out force after that little... incident the other day," the ghost said as she pondered possibilities.

Cassandra nodded with a shudder as the memories invaded her brain.

It was quiet as they both continued to think.

"I have an idea."


Varian stared at the moon, finding solace in its soft, illuminating light. As much as he loved the moon, he couldn't wait for it to sink away and make way for the sunrise he needed for the scroll.

The alchemist heard footsteps and pulled his eyes away from the moon to see the ghost girl approaching, though she wasn't so much a ghost at night. He thought this was a little strange but didn't question it. He'd seen too much weird stuff to care about such a minor detail.

"Good evening, Varian," she greeted with a smile.

Varian sat up.

"Good evening, uhh..." He laughed awkwardly. "I wish you'd just tell me your name."

Zhan Tiri chuckled softly.

"Aww but that would kill my sense of mystery!" she jokingly protested.

Varian rolled his eyes at her. It was quiet as the ghost came and sat next to him.

"How about this?" she said. "I'll tell you my name if..." She brought her hands from behind her back, revealing a plate of bread and butter. "You eat something."

Varian gave her an unimpressed look.

"How many time do I have to say I'm not eating stolen food?" he asked in a bored tone.

Zhan Tiri gave him a pleading look.

"Varian, you're putting yourself in danger. You need to eat something!"

The alchemist turned away from her pleading eyes. He would not be swayed.

Right, Zhan Tiri thought as she grit her teeth. He's gonna need another push isn't he?

"What if," she said. "I offer you something else as well as my name?"

Varian raised an eyebrow at her.

"Like what?"

She smiled.

"You're a science lover right? How about I show you some work done by Demanitus?"

Varian's eyes widened and he felt his heart leap. Demanitus? She had access to work done by Demanitus?!

Knowing she'd peaked his interest, Zhan Tiri pushed the plate closer to the alchemist.

He stared at it, conflicted. Knowledge at the price of taking something that wasn't his? It felt so wrong but he was so tempted.

Hmm. One more push.

Varian gasped as a horrible pain stabbed at his sides as if a dagger had been forced into both sides of him. He grabbed at the pain and doubled over.

"Are you alright?" Zhan Tiri asked, mimicking a worried tone.

Varian shook his head, causing the world to blur and spin. What was this?

Zhan Tiri placed a comforting hand on his knee.

"What is this?" the alchemist asked in a pained voice.

"Hunger pains I imagine," the ghost replied. "They'll go away if you eat you know."

Varian finally caved. He couldn't take the stabbing feeling. He took a piece of bread and butter and hesitated for only a moment before he started to eat.

Almost instantly, he was relieved of the pain in his sides. It felt wonderful.

Zhan Tiri smiled at the boy as he ate. She was amazed it had taken this long for him to give in to his hunger. Amazed she'd had to use magic to get him eat. But, at least now, he was eating.

"Well I believe this means I owe you a name," she said as Varian finished a piece of bread.

He looked at her with expectant and curious eyes. She looked up and breathed for a moment before giving her answer.

"Call me Eclipse," she told him.

Varian smiled at her.

"Ok then, Eclipse."

Everyone in the fortress slept soundly that night.

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