Chapter 82

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"A what?" Regulus frowned, turning to look at Alexandra.

"I-I think I know what it is," she said breathlessly, still in shock. "But it's not safe for Kreacher here. The Dark Lord can't know that he's managed to escape that cave."

Regulus hesitated at first, but finally nodded, turning toward the house elf. "Kreacher, I want you to return back home and stay hidden. Do not leave the house under any circumstances."

Kreacher nodded weakly before disappearing out of the room with a loud crack, leaving Regulus and Alexandra alone.

"What were you talking about, Alex?" Regulus questioned, looking more worried than ever before.

"It was something my grandpa had said — in his memories — but I can't remember well — there were so many more important things going on that I didn't pay too much attention to the Horcruxes — I mean, my grandpa had just died — and then I learnt that he wasn't my real grandfather — that he had killed my parents — that I was the heir of Ravenclaw — how was I supposed to know the Horcruxes were going to be important —"

"Alex, calm down!" Regulus try to say comfortingly, but he himself seemed more messed up than ever before. "What are these Horcruxes?"

"I don't remember..." Alexandra muttered, but she finally came up with an idea. "But we can watch his memory again! In the Pensieve!"

And so, before Regulus could ask her what she was doing, Alexandra opened the bedroom door and tiptoed outside, Regulus following her right behind until they entered her grandfather's old office.

     There was another door inside the office, leading to a smaller room with a shelf filled with vials of silvery lights and a large pensieve in the corner of the room.

     "Alex, care to explain what you're doing?" Regulus asked, confused as he watched her move toward the shelf, reading the labels on the vials.

     "You'll understand in a minute," said Alexandra, taking a vial before moving back toward the Pensieve, emptying the silvery lights into it.

     "Come here," she said, standing beside the Pensieve.


      "We have to put out heads in it," she explained, but that only made him more dazed.

     Giving up at last, Regulus hesitantly walked toward the Pensieve and with an approving nod from Alexandra, they both lowered their heads into the basin.

     Regulus yelped, feeling as though he was being sucked into nothingness, falling and falling until his feet finally gently hit the ground, though he could not feel the floor beneath his feet. When he looked up, he found himself in the Slytherin common room.

      "This is my grandfather's memory," Alexandra explained, "for when he was young and a Hogwarts student."

      She then pointed at a boy sitting on a couch beside the fireplace, lost in his thoughts. It was Marcellus. He obviously hadn't noticed their presence, because he was a mere memory.

     Just then, Marceluus's head shot up when the door to the common room opened and a handsome and tall boy strode inside, looking stern and cold.

      "That's Tom Riddle," Alexandra whispered as she and Regulus watched the boy walk in, through the memory. "He's... He's the Dark Lord."

      Regulus's shock was obvious across his expression as he watched the memory in the Pensieve alongside Alexandra, his heart pounding in his chest.

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