Anti-Hero day 19

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Jason POV

I sighed and looked at my laptop. There has been a lot whispers of a underground club. I have been taking every lead I could get but there weren't many.

Whoever ran the club knew how to stay hidden. But the only information about the club that everyone knew was that it was a great music and dance place. I grabbed my gun with the rubber bullets. I went to the docks and waited. I had found an employee of this underground dance club that they would get deliveries. He didn't know of what but that they arrived at the dock monthly.

And so for past week and a half I have been watching the docks. But so far nothing has happened much to my annoyance. After waiting for an hour and nothing I growled out of annoyance.

"Tt what are you doing Red Hood?" I huffed before turning around.

"A mission of my own Robin." I said before going back to what I was doing. I knew he was still there. I knew he was glaring at me but I didn't care. A man on a ship finally pulled in. And a van that people in movies use to kidnap people in pulled up.

A guy got out. He walked over to the ship and did a few hand jester's. Then they got to work with loading. When they finished the man from the van got into the driver seat and took off. I got up and followed him.

Adrien POV

I drove the van knowing Red Hood was following. Ladybug knew this would happen. And she had a plan on getting Robin into the club. She knew once the batfam got wind of the club they would go after her.

She made this club for kids like her. Who come from a broken family and need an outlet. But the only way to find and get into the club is to get a member to recommend you and get ladybug approval.

And only a hand full of people have been let in. And out of the people that have been allowed in only one has been kicked out. And she has been trying to get rid of the club ever since. But the Anti hero Red Hood has been trying to find us. Which has been getting on Ladybugs nerve.

And so she set a trap. A trap that would ensure that a member of the batfam would be sneaking into the club. And her hope is that it's Robin. And so she chose me. I am known as Chat Noir I wear a hood and mask making it nearly impossible to tell who I am.

 I am known as Chat Noir I wear a hood and mask making it nearly impossible to tell who I am

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And since I have a similar body build as Robin. Thus making him the only choice. I heard a soft thud. I smirked knowing who it was. And when I heard another I knew that they have taken the bait.

Jason POV

Me and Robin much to my annoyance landed on the van. I crouched down and looked at Robin. He got his katana out. And cut into the roof of the van. He made a hole for us to go through. I jumped down and looked around. The man was driving but he had a hood on. It obscured his features but he kept driving having not taken notice of me or Robin.

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