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Third person's POV
"So what's bothering you?", Y/N questioned, her eyes never leaving the empty streets in front of her.

Jin was taken aback. She was so direct, and not only that, how did she know something was bothering him?

Jin could only stare at the girl beside him in pure amazement and happiness. He felt grateful, joyous even, that someone noticed his slight difference in behaviour.
There was no point in lying or trying to hide from her anyway since Jin knew that Y/N would always find out and thus, Jin opted to speak the truth.

"Be at ease Jin. Speak your mind, I won't judge, promise" Y/N uttered out her tone extremely indifferent and yet still so magically soothing without even turning her head to look at Jin.

But even so, Jin felt a wave of calmness wash over him as he uncontrollably relaxed. It felt as if he could tell her anything and everything. Jin felt no need to hide or pretend in front of her.
To him, right at this very moment, it wasn't Ethereal of SSFIRE that was talking to him, but Y/N, just Y/N.
And there wasn't a Jin of BTS either, it is just purely Seokjin, the child who lost both his parents in an accident. That's all. No labels, nothing. Just them.

"Recently I've sensed a lot of tension between the members, and I'm concerned. It's unusual to see the people who you're so close to suddenly change and become so...so...so... tense. Yeah, that's the word." Jin took in a deep breath.

"Jungkook and Namjoon... their bond is undeniable and they're practically inseparable. They've known each other since young and have been through much with each other." Jin paused.

"To see them avoid each other, acting so distant lately really makes me uneasy. Adding on with the conflict between Yoongi and Jimin concerning you... No offense, Y/N."

Y/N shook her head, "None taken, please continue"

"Yeah so, adding on with the friction between Yoongi and Jimin, I just feel like our friendship is being ripped apart from the inside. We were so close..." Jin sighed.

"For our relationship to turn out like this truly wounds me. And it doesn't help that I'm also getting a really bad feeling. I feel like this is only the beginning, and I do not want to witness our relationship sour! I-I truly love them all. They're not only my friends, but also my family as well", Jin cried out as he no longer looked at Y/N in the eye, choosing to bury his face into the palms of his hands.

Y/N's heart twisted in pain. Poor Jin.
Bile started to rise up her throat as she thought of the truth behind his parents' death. She wanted to go comfort him, to tell him that everything will turn out fine, but even Y/N was uncertain. She didn't know what the final outcome would be...


I watch as Jin cried into his hands, with the occasional sniffle that escapes from him.

He is in so much pain, just witnessing his family break apart before his very eyes. And if I reveal to him that the cause of their strain is somewhat linked to him, he may just break.
I don't know if he'd feel deserving of the blame for their worsening relations or would he get angry at them, especially at Namjoon since his parents...

I genuinely want to stretch out my hand to lend him a helping hand, but I feel like I don't actually deserve to. Everything stemmed from me, it's all my fault, and yet, they are the ones paying the price. If I wasn't born then they'd probably be still enjoying their lives. Living their lives to the fullest.

Jin's sniffles stopped for a while before he looked up at me, his eyes sparkling beautifully from the tears as he spoke his request to me, "May you tell me what happened between Jungkook and Namjoon?"

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