Chapter 63 Master Fu

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Third pov

Marinette decides to visit Fu while she still has free time.

The fox necklace, horse glasses and turtle bracelet are in the same pocket as Tikki.

On her way there several people that see her avoid eye contact. Something she isn't entierly sure if she should be grateful for.

"Ah, Marinette, come in."

Fu closes the door behind her.

Marinette has been in his home many times during the years, it's always had the same homely feeling.

Now though... Now there's a sickly feeling to it.

It makes her uneasy.

"It's been a while since you last visited. Do you have time for tea?"

Time skip

It takes time to go through everything.

But, when she's done, she feels a little lighter.

"I'm afraid i also have news, ones that will only make things more difficult." Fu admitted.

The words send a chill through her, and she's reminded by the sickly feeling in the air. "You're sick, aren't you?" He doesn't deny it and her heart sinks.
"But- you're the guardian! How can you be sick?"

"I'm old, Marinette. And the guardian ship has slowly started transferring to you." He answers simply.

Her mouth feels dry and she reminds herself to breathe. "But, but-"

He waves her objections away. "I have lived a long life, and the title of Guardian will be safe in your hands."

It doesn't matter! She wants to scream.

She can't be the Guardian- she doesn't feel ready. There's to much to do already, and she needs her mentor.

But, Fu, he's already accepted that there's nothing he can do.

Her hand reaches into her pocket amd she pulls out the turtle bracelet.

The old man accepts it when she hands it to him. Though, he still gives her a wondering look.

"Wayzz deserves a goodbye."

"You are a kind soul, Marinette."

Time skip

Everything is spinning around her as she finally makes it home.

The box is heavy in her bag.

"Marinette, honey, how are you feeling?"

She tries to answer... But the only thing she can manage is a whining noise.

It's embarrassing.

She's supposed to be better at this.

(Deep down, she wonders if the latch on her emotions that opened in Gotham, can be closed again.)

Her maman hugs her. "What's wrong?"

She tries to answer again, but it feels impossible.


Nights were always lonliest for Chloe.

The only company she'd had was her teddy bear.

Now, she has friends.

Sure, they aren't exactly doing normal teenage things, but they are friends.

It's more than she ever thought she'd have.

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