Chapter 28

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"Did you pack your charger?" You asked Oikawa as you were checking your bag.

"Yeah." He said, swinging his bag over his shoulder and watching you panic a little.

"(Y/N)-chan, it's only gonna be a week, don't freak out."

"I'm not freaking out. I can't find my notes." You said, looking into your school bag.

"I saw them laying on the bed a few minutes ago." He looked under your blankets and eventually found your notes.

"Here." He handed them to you.

"Good, ready to leave?" You smiled after putting your notes into your bag.

"I was born ready." He grinned and took your bag.

"I can carry it myself." You said, following him out of your room.

"What kind of brother would I be, if I let you carry this heavy bag on your own?" He smirked.

"Oh, trust me, you're a good brother any way." You giggled.

"I kinda deserve a kiss for this, don't you think so?" He pouted as you were going down the stairs.

"That's why you're being kind, huh?" You pulled his hair, making him look at you upside down, since you were walking behind him.

"It's just been a while since we did anything, you know?" He grinned at you with closed eyes.

"I hate you, dumbass." You said, but eventually kissed him.

"That was short." He said as you pulled away a second later.

"Take it or leave it." You rolled your eyes and walked past him.

He just sighed and also went down.

You walked to school with Iwaizumi.

Luckily, your teacher allowed you to stay in Tokyo instead of going back with the class.

You explained her everything and your parents also wrote an extra note, saying that they were agreeing with it.

The hard part was to convince your mother to stay at your dad's for the day, but after Oikawa also talked to her, she had to give in and allow it to you.

Your dad was happy to hear you ask to stay there, even if it was for only one day. He hadn't seen you almost six months.

In the bus you sat next to Hamaguchi. You had created a playlist for the both of you to listen.

"Come sit here, Oikawa-san!" Nakayama's voice rang through your ears.

"I actually wanted to sit with Iwa-chan, sorry." He scratched the back of his head and took a seat next to Iwaizumi, who was sitting behind Hamaguchi and you.

The next five hours went by rather quickly because you fell asleep on Hamaguchi's shoulder.

You arrived at 10PM at the hotel and were given your keys.

"Oh, (Y/N)-chan, what a coincidence! I'm right next door." Oikawa grinned as you were about to enter your room.

"Oh, what a coincidence. Who are you sharing a room with?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Just a boy from my class. I would have chosen you, but we were just allowed to share within our classes."

"Shut up." You said and entered the room, Hamaguchi following you.

"Do you wanna grab some snacks or something?" You asked her, as you were taking out your wallet.

"But it's 10 already! We'll get in trouble, if the teachers find out."

Stepbrother || Oikawa Tooru x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now