Chapter 30 -Potter Stinks-

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I groggily opened my eyes that seemed to be glued together and longing for more rest. After bawling my eyes out for two hours and contemplating to bash my head in with my record player I had fallen asleep last night. It was not necessarily a good nights rest but then again I couldn't get much of that these days.

Trudging my way into the bathroom I let out a long sigh upon seeing myself in the mirror. My appearance was utterly horrid, hair frazzled and plain face still blotchy from last nights misery. Putting my hands under the faucet and splashing some cold water onto my face I took a deep breath. Today was obviously not going to be one of my finer moments so I figured I might as well come in late to class. Attempting to fix my appearance I combed out my hair and slipped on my robes.

My first lesson today was potions which is why I didn't particularly mind running late. Snape wasn't horrible though, in fact he favored me compared to his other students since he visited the manor often. Walking down the dungeons corridors I waltzed my way into potions class, not having the energy to care that everyone was staring.

"Rees, it would do well for you to be on time." Snape droned.

"Apologies professor." I say quickly before slumping down in my seat. Snape gives me a look of somewhat surprise since I would usually have a witty retort and nods his head. I zoned out for the majority of class, thinking only of what assignments I was to be given by Crouch jr. It wasn't until I fully looked around the room did I notice many of the Slytherins wearing strange badges.

Upon further exception I noticed the badges at first had Cedric Diggory's face plastered onto them before turning into's Potters. Above Harry Potters head read the words "Potter Stinks" and I let out a small chuckle. It was probably immature of me but as of right now I needed a good laugh. Walking out of potions I felt a tug on my robes and glanced to my right to see Draco with a giddy look on his face.

"Yes Blondie?" I question as we walk next to each other.

"You better stop calling me that if you want one of my pins." Draco smirks and holds out one of the badges in his hand.

"No way, you made these without telling me!" I punch him on the shoulder and snatch it out of his hands. Pinning it on to my robes I push the badge and watch as it changes to the "Potter Stinks" side.

"I'm so proud." I pretend to wipe at my eyes and Draco playfully shoves me. Since we had some time to spare the two of us decided to go out to the courtyard. Finding a uninhabited tree, Draco and I climb our way up and sit on top of the branches. From this height I was able to see that a lot of students were wearing the pins Draco had made, even the Hufflepuffs.

"So how do you think scarhead is going to do in this tournament?" Draco questions.

"I reckon he won't last a day." I lean back into the tree.

"Yeah father and I were talking abou-" Draco starts but immediately stops as he sees Harry Potter walking a few yards away. I roll my eyes and sit on the edge of  the tree since there was evidently a fight about to go down.

"Why so tense Pottah?" Draco calls out and I see Harry grit his teeth as he walks by.

"My father and I have a bet you see, I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees... he thinks you won't last five." Draco jumps down from the tree with a smug look on his face.

Seeing as though I was in need of a good fight I also jumped down and took my place next to him.

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks Malfoy!" Harry shouts while walking angrily towards both of pushes Draco in the chest.

"He's vile and cruel, and you're pathetic." Harry spite before turning back around.  I watched amused as Draco gets flustered and begins to take his wand out while Harry's back is turned.

"OH NO YOU DONT!" Moody shouts before aiming his wand at Draco. He release a shriek of surprise before the magic engulfs him and a tiny white ferret is left in his place. For a second I look infuriated but quickly remember that this is not the real Moody I am dealing with.

"YOU STINKING COWARD,SCUMMY!" The fake Moody shouts and levitates Draco up and down in the air. The white ferret,Draco, lets out small squeaks and I rush to its side.

"Professor Moody, what are you doing?" McGonagall arrives on the scene as a large crowd of students has gathered.

"Teaching." He gruffly responds and continue to move Draco around with his wand.

"Is that a student!" McGonagall exclaims, her eyes widened.

"Technically it's a ferret." The small creature that was Draco begins to crawl around on the ground while Harry Potter is clutching his sides in laughter. McGonagall gives a small huff of annoyance and points her wand, turning Draco back to his normal state. He quickly scrambles up to his feet, looking disheveled and clutches onto my shoulder for support.

"My father will hear about this!" Draco sneers and backs away from Moody.

"IS THAT A THREAT!" The fake Moody shouts and begins to chase Draco around the tree and out of the courtyard. I had to admit that Crouch was sure as heck keeping up the act and was mighty good at it to. After the students began to disperse I walked up to the crazed man and gently tapped him on the shoulder.

"Yes." He snaps and looks at me fiercely.

"I was wondering when my first assignment will be presented." I look at him expectantly.

"Eager one aren't ya?" He darts his tongue out to lick his lips and I feel my stomach churn.

"I am eager for the dark lords return, such as you are." I respond with no emotion in my voice.

"Indeed, my first assignment will be for you to somehow make sure Harry Potter is aware of the first task beforehand."

"What's the task?" I ask mildly interested .

"Dragons, and it is your duty to make sure he sees them." Crouch instructs and I quickly nod my head. I watch as he walks away and let out a groan, how in the hell was I supposed to do this?

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