001. . . brooklyn museum

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( . . 𝑨𝑪𝑻 𝑶𝑵𝑬; 𝐶𝐻 𝑂𝑁𝐸 ━━━━━ ! ﹆◞ ❫
"Do you think that we can move closer baby I want you—"

ARE YOU SURE YOU  DON'T WANT SOME MORE DEAR, YOU'RE SO SKINNY IT WONT HURT YOU ? 〞Mrs. Cheng asked pointing to some of those sweet yet savory mini coconut pancakes. As she glanced at the treat she had an inner mental battle with herself. On one side, she buys another dozen which will last her a week more like 1 hour before she inhales them down or she walks away with a polite smile and waves goodbye. 

"Ok ok fine, I give in! Another dozen please and thank you," She said while Mrs. Cheng was already preparing the next dozen in a bag, for this was a game the two played almost every other day at the old woman's bakery around two and half blocks from Mulan's 'rustic' apartment.

Walking away from the shop was almost like the scene in Beauty and The Beast where Belle walks down the gravel road lined of shops and everyone say 'bonjour!' to the sweet girl as she continues her morning errands. Mulan has been in her little Brooklyn shack long enough to establish routines, relationships with the people, and make a home of this place she chose to stay in before people grow suspicious by her not ageing.  The realization came to her quickly after the ancient war that her grandmother did something so she wouldn't age when she was about 44 with not one defined frown line, graying hair, stiff joint, you name it. Anything to do with aging simply was not in her, like two twin magnetic poles repelling.

So of course she had to move around, it was a must. If people knew of her and her origin too many secrets could be unlocked, dangerous people after her, experimentations, it caused an ache in her head to form just thinking about it. Mulan has resided in many towns, villages, and countryside's, but this place in Brooklyn just felt different. It was a normal place, but it was special, she just couldn't put her slim finger on exactly what it is making her feel that way. Like a puzzle missing a piece she always thought.  She liked the atmosphere, a fast yet slow pace filled with boutiques showcasing the newest trends most of which she found dumb in this 'lady-like' era and the bridge connecting the two cites together. It was like her own happy place.

Her apartment was as she declared a 'fixer-upper' that she was simply too lazy to fix or move out of.  A mess of 2 rooms, exposed brick, holes in the walls, and a barley working radiator is what Mulan called home. At least the locks on the door and windows worked but let's be honest here who would wanna steal her stuff, like sir what are you gonna steal...the air?! She could honestly have one of those high end overhyped apartments in the upper east side with the job she has. Sipping on her milk tea like a fancy bitch laughing at the poor people from her floor to ceiling windows, but she decided against it.  Working at the Brooklyn Museum gave Mulan not only a butt load of money, but something to do with all the memories in her head. She helps them with their information and sources considering she was alive for all the historic events.

Mizpah 𝖃 Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now