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Sophie looked around her, messy lockers and many rooms stood around, she was in Foxfire. Tipping her head she furrowed her eye brows. How had she gotten here? Where was Keefe? Worry strained her mind as she raced through the hallway, looking for a familiar mob of blonde hair.

Finally she saw him at the bench she'd met him at, a classic smirk on his face as he lounged on the seat.

With a sigh of relief she walked over, smiling as Keefe looked up too see her.

"I thought I lost you!" Sophie said cheerfully, punching him softly, "how did we get here? I don't remember a thing."

Confusion appeared on Keefe's face, disrupting his smirk but than bringing a flirtatious look to his eyes.

"Listen here whoever you are, you don't have to pretend to know me just to get to talk to me. I'm an elf just like you, even if I have amazing hair." Keefe said and struck a pose, running his hand through his hair, letting it spill over even further.

"Um. Keefe, I do know you." Sophie said, not sure what kind of game he was playing, did he just not want to tell her how they got there or...?

"Well im sorry but I don't remember you, and I have a photographic memory." He said, his jokes gone, a perplexed look on his face as her eyes widened.

"Okay stop it Keefe, we both know who I am. Sophie, or I guess you call me Foster." Sophie said, hardly remanding the smile that slithered onto her face at the memory, for some reason the thought that only Keefe called her that made her insides turn fuzzy, but all that went away when he stared at her blankly, as if none of it meant anything, as if she wasn't to be remembered as anything more than a misunderstanding.

"Who's Foster?"


"Sophie!" Keefe shook her awake, the darkness faded as she blinked her eyes open and realized her face was stained with water, had she been crying?

"Keefe?" She mumbled as she looked towards him, hoping he would remember who she was.

"Foster why are you crying? Did you have a nightmare?" Keefe asked, concern rippling through his features as he held tight her hand.

Sophie gulped, nodding, so it had all been a dream? Thank goodness. She wasn't sure she could face a world where Keefe didn't know who she was.

"You..." she started, Keefe just watched her patiently, a kind look in his eyes as he moved his fingers back and fourth on the back of her hand, a surprisingly soothing movement that she was sure she would love to get used too.

"You were there." She spoke softly,

"We were at Foxfire. You were where we first met." She whispered quietly, water filling her eyes as she fought to speak the next few words.

"I went to talk to you... and you said that..." her voice turned into a sob, she swallowed, blinking away the sting of tears in her eyes. This shouldn't matter to her. This shouldn't rock her like this. She was the moonlark, the multi-ability elf, the exception for every rule, she was supposed to be strong. So why did the thought of Keefe not caring if she existed stir her so much?

Why did it matter if it was only a dream?

"You said you didn't know who I was." Sophie uttered the words hardly louder than a whisper,

"You said you didn't remember me." She said simply, turning too look Keefe straight in the eye. His gaze was gentle as he wrapped an arm around her and she leaned close. He cupped her cheek with his other hand, stroking it softly, a sad smile on his lips. Sophie shivered at his touch, feeling fragile in his arms, vulnerable. Scared. But It wasn't that she was scared of him seeing her this way.

She was scared of when he would let go.

"Foster it's okay, don't cry." Keefe said as a tear slid down her face, he wiped it away as she shook her head. She didn't deserve the comfort. She should be better than this, focusing on the wrong thing.

"I shouldn't be worrying about something like this. It was just a dream. A stupid dream." She muttered sharply, turning her head away from Keefe as he put his hands down. The warmth around her evaporating as if it was never there.

"Foster you can't be perfect. You can't put so much pressure on yourself. That dream rattled you, maybe you don't know why, maybe you don't want it too. But it did, you can't just ignore it, or else it'll keep coming back ten times as hard."

Sophie wouldn't meet his gaze, his words made sense, they were true, she wanted to believe them, she wanted to listen, she wanted to nod and talk it out, she wanted him to hold her in his arms and promise she would be okay.

But she couldn't.

"I don't know how to stop. And I don't know how to focus on the things I should." She said quietly, not specifying what she meant because she wasn't sure herself, but Keefe seemed to get the message because a second later he smiled at her.

"Than we can figure it out together."

After Unlocked, a sokeefe Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now