Part 21

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"Ello." I greeted the 5-year-old girl who still loved to draw 24/7.

She stopped her hand movement for awhile -in a sign of she accepts my presence- and continued to draw.

I suddenly grimaced when I thought of Jace and sighed.

Chloe felt the tension and raised an eyebrow, which I immediately get the sign. She was worried.

"Well," I started. "There is this new guy in my school. He is all hot and stuffs, but he is mysterious. Like he is drawn to me even by the time he laid eyes on me. I wanted to feel happy, but I have a feeling I am going to be hurt at the same time."

I sighed and messed up my hair. Why am I so bothered by these things? And of all people, I asked a 5-year-old child.

I didn't hear any answer, which is suspected, but she stopped her draw and took an extra piece of paper and started drawing faster.

I furrowed my eyebrows, suspecting her weird sudden shifts. I tried to get near her and glance at her drawing, but she snatched her paper away and shook her head, a sign for me to wait.

Once she was done, she went to my face without looking at me in the eye and gave me her drawing paper.

It was mostly a drawing me abusing a man who is tied up to a chair. I smiled at the view but immediately scowled when I saw a guy peeping through the door of the room the man and I were in. There was an arrow pointing to the guy peeping and name him ~the new guy~

Took me a while to review her drawing.

"So you're saying that this guy is suspecting me for being that?" I asked her. She didn't nod or shook her head, just shrugged, a sign of 'just guessing, I don't know yet.'

I wanted to think this is a lie, but at the same time, my brain is starting to believe it.

What if he does? What if he is a hired undercover detective to spy on me so I can be jailed once they get solid prove? What if he is working with the police? What if-

Uggh, you're thinking too much Mon. Snap out of it.

I started to hit my head hard. Then I heard a voice.

"Dear, are you alri-"

I slapped a hand away when it made its way to my shoulder. I turned back with a frightened face.

"Stay away from me!" I screamed.

The person took back her arm and looked at me with wide eyes.

Oh, it was just the orphanage lady.

Then I realized my mistake.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I was thinking too much, and you just scared me to death." I started to reason.

The lady giggled. "No worries, kid. You seem to be having a bad time. Even Ms Kenner is worried about you," I turned my head towards Chloe, and she threw her head away and blushed. "I thought you might need to have some tea? It can help you worry a bit less." She offered, and I accepted it.

Once the tea was ready, I thanked her and drank a little.

"If you don't mind," The orphanage lady started. "Tell me what is wrong, and I am here to listen, it is healthy to share your stress with other people, it will make you relax a bit."

I rejected her offer. I have dealt with things much worse than this on my own. But this time, my brain hurt so much this is a first time I seem to be so stressed about something so simple.

Feels like I am in a cringe, ordinary dramas people always wrote, thinking it must be a fairytale with all they dreamt of.

A ha

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