Introduction, rules and requests

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Please read this or you will be confused later on as I have a few headcanons for the characters.

Technoblade changes his form under certain emotions, or, if he's in control enough, he can do it at will. So he can go from small, chibi pig to a full on anime character if he so wishes unless it is specifically mentioned otherwise at the beginning of the chapter.

Philza has black wings and his hair is long, reaching his shoulders, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Dream is a dreamon that has a more human form(blonde with a green hoodie and a mask) and his demon form unless, of course, it is said specifically otherwise.

More headcanons will appear as I write more, so be sure to check this chapter every once in awhile.

The title might be misleading, but the requests can be of other members of SBI, not just Philza and Techno. They don't have to appear in the request at all.

Rules to requesting are simple:

-no shippy sleepy boys requests

-I will write character death, angst, murder, Gore etc

-I will NOT write anything smutty(If it is needed for the plot, such activity can be mentioned. I will not write it happening though)

-In the request state the idea, characters and what they are
Example: a father-son bonding moment between Techno and Philza, Techno is an actual god

- I might change some things in the request if they don't fit what I have in mind for it, but only if the person requesting gives me permission

-I don't have a set time for publishing. I can't promise to immiedietly get to writing one-shots that were requested, but they will all be written eventually

-I am not responsible for any emotional damage from reading the chapters

-Triggers will be listed at the beginning of a chapter, along with who requested and main characters that will appear

Request here plese or you WILL be ignored. I want to keep the requests organized:

Special thanks to CherriossDraws for drawing the cover and for being one of the first people to read the one shots and tell me if they're good enough. You're amazing. <3

And to Minylikeskitkats aka The Angst Queen for giving me ideas for amazing angst stories, telling me if the idea is good or not and being one of the first people to read them too. Love you sis. <3

Without further ado, enjoy the chapters!


Dazda and his pig son Aka Sleepy Boys Inc One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now