Chapter 3

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Upon arrival you became extremely nervous. There were many familiar faces from the series so adding excitement to nerves had you reeling with anxiety and Tetsutetsu, the epitome of a perfect brother, laughed at you (albeit looking like he is about to burst from his own nerves too.)

Fortunately, after checking your pulse you knew that you survived the written exam and hoped that you passed but that was not it... no, you are now watching the gates to the final phase of the exam, your heart is racing and you have a knot in your stomach... it might have been smart to not eat all that food that Hannah made.

You were separated from Tetsutetsu for this portion of the exam and did that suck. Like, the least they could do is let you be with the one person you know... right? At this rate you don't even know and you only had a vague idea of how your quirk works. Fun.

"Hey, are you ok?" An all too familiar voice questioned as a hand met your shoulder, making you release a shocked squeak as you turned to face Kirishima Eijiro.

"A-Ah y-yes I am!" You stammered as you attempted to recollect yourself.

Kirishima's hair barely missed his shoulders and is black, at this point he has not begun to style it yet.

"Are you nervous?" He asked, you can see in his eyes that he is seeking some sort of validation for his own nerves.

"Yeah..." You responded as you clenched your shaking hands into fists and shoved them into your sweat pants. "My name is (Y/N) Tetsutetsu, what about you?"

You knew that due to not knowing him it would not be smart to call him his name before he introduced himself, after all that could be quite strange.

"Oh!" He said with surprise, realizing that he forgot about his introduction. "The name is Kirishima Eijiro. It is nice to meet you Tetsutetsu!"

You realized that you introduced yourself first name first but you supposed that he saw through your mistake so you sighed with embarrassment of the mistake but mustered a smile anyways. "Ditto, Kirishima-kun." You told him before removing a hand from your pocket and offering it to him for a handshake, he accepted and gave you one that felt firm but just right at the same time.

"The exam will begin in ten seconds!!" Rang out over the intercom, making you and Kirishima exchange nervous glances before you two almost simultaneously steel yourselves mentally by taking a deep breath.







After the mention of one you felt your anxiety spike as things seemed to slow. You did not understand enough about your quirk but regardless you have to do this... you can do this.

The bell sounded as you focused the anxiety into determination and as your mind lost its grip on you everything began to speed back up and in an instant you realized you were charging into the fray. It has begun.

A/N: Hello guys! I thought that I would post another chapter for the lot of you. So far it would appear that as of this story's three days of existence online there are very few readers but let's be frank I don't mind. It's actually nice to not have that pressure yet! I hope you all enjoy and I have you all have a great night/day. I love you!!

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