10 | I had a reason

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Just give me a reason


Talia blushed

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Talia blushed. "Thank you. Hey, Nik? Did you know you have a small lake on your property?"

Niklaus raised an eyebrow. "What are you suggesting Love?"

"Anyone care for a swim tomorrow?" Talia grinned.

"I can't and neither can you. You, Talia, skipped out on us this morning. You have to learn your magic before anything else. If something like what happened last night, happens again and we are in danger, we will be dead." Elijah scolded.

"I skipped out for a good reason." Talia argued.

Kol raised an eyebrow. "And what was it Darling?"

"Clothes shopping. I didn't come here with my whole wardrobe you know. I only had one pair of pants and my crappy sandals that I wear in the house. My shirt got ruined from saving you from the Brat and the Bitch." Talia said.

"Where exactly did you go?" Nik asked. "You took quite a while to get here."

"We went to Richmond." Rebekah said. "It has a good mall."

"Why didn't you answer your phone?" Kol interrogated.

"Because I turned it off and forgot to turn it back on." Rebekah muttered.

"See, because of that Elijah could have died today. They were coming after me for the white oak stake that I carefully hid." Kol started.

"About that." Talia piped up. Talia whacked Kol in the arm. "What kind of idiot carries that with them? It is safer to be hidden somewhere than to carry it on your person where anyone could pick pocket you and take it."

"Ouch." Kol winced. "How strong are you exactly, Darling?"

"I pulled the door off of the Salvatore's little dungeon easily enough." Talia shrugged.

"Speaking of that, I wonder if you have the strength from both the werewolf and vampire aspects of you." Elijah mused.

"What I want to know is what is her weakness? Obviously the sun doesn't bother her. What else can harm her?" Nik asked.

Elijah frowned. "I would also like to know that. Too bad all of the vervain in town was blown up."

Talia scoffed. "I don't know why you all think it is so rare. Back in my old world it was very common to find. I know of two places in my hometown where they planted it as decoration. I think some teas are even made from it. I will research where to find some. What about wolfsbane? We already know I can't be compelled. Kol tried that when we first met."

"Hold that thought Love." Niklaus ran through the house and came back with container of wolfsbane. Nik carefully opened the lid and held it out to her.

Talia carefully reached in and jumped back in pain. "Shit! That hurts." Talia blew on her fingers as the burns quickly faded away.

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