11 | Original bootcamp

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Soldier keep on
marching on


"How do you know that?" Talia questioned

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"How do you know that?" Talia questioned.

"Simple. NOLA is one of the few places that practice ancestral magic. Also you said a spin off. Since the one you have been telling us about is centered on the doppelganger and the Salvatores I am guessing the other one is about us." Nik responded.

Talia nodded. "Yes it is. Since Kol was supposed to die, the only Originals left would have been Elijah, Rebekah and Nik."

The siblings looked down.

Talia felt bad for bringing that up. "I am sorry. I promise I will stop. Kol is not dead. He is alive and breathing. Who wants to watch a movie? I am sure you guys have to have some lying around."

"One more thing Miss Talia." Elijah said. "Tomorrow you start training. Witch lessons with Kol and Rebekah in the morning and fighting lessons with Niklaus and myself in the afternoon. The evening is yours to do with as you wish."

"Great." Talia chirped. "Original Bootcamp. Movie?"

"First, dinner." Nik stood up. "Want to help Love?"

"Sure." Talia said. Talia got up and followed Niklaus into the kitchen. "I didn't know you were a cook, Nik." Talia made conversation as she peeled potatoes.

"Yes, well living abroad means I pick up on a few things." Niklaus chopped a few vegetables.

"I have always wanted to do that. Go travel the world and eat a traditional food dish from each country I visit." Talia sighed wistfully.

"You could do that now. After we stop Silas." Nik offered.

"After Matty shows up." Talia corrected. "I won't travel without Matty."

"Fair enough." Nik said no more as they finished dinner.

Talia and Niklaus carried the food on plates out to everyone else. Elijah, Kol and Rebekah were setting up the TV for the showing.

"We have two choices. The first is Rebekah and my pick of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Adventure or Kol's choice of The Bourne Identity."

"Damn you!" Talia swore. "I like both."

"We can always watch the other at another time." Nik offered.

"You are making me chose between Matt Damon and Aiden Turner." Talia pouted.

Rebekah snorted. "Matt Damon."

Talia raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"We know a Matt and a Damon." Rebekah pointed out.

Talia wrinkled her nose. "Aiden Turner it is."

"Which one does Aiden Turner play in?" Kol asked.

"The Hobbit." Talia said. "Oooh. It also has Martin Freeman in it."

Elijah went to put the movie in.

"I have never seen this." Kol mused.

"Me either." Rebekah added in.

"This movie is based on a book series called Lord of the Rings. A man named J. R. R. Tolkien wrote the Hobbit in 1937. He later wrote the sequel to the Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings series in 1954 and 1955. There are three books that follow after the Hobbit. My timeline was ahead of yours. It was 2017 in my world and all of the movie were already made. But the directors did it backwards. They made the Lord of the Rings movies first then the Hobbit movies." Talia explained.

"That would explain it. Kol and I were locked in a coffin for most of the 1900's." Rebekah shot a dirty look at Niklaus.

"Shhh. It's starting." Talia watched the screen eagerly.

Nik and Kol were not really interested in the movie. Nik became interested in it when the villains showed up. Kol became absorbed in it when the action started.

There were lots of laughs and cheers and anger. When the movie ended with the dwarves and Bilbo standing on Carrock Kol frowned. "Is that all there is to it?"

"No." Talia giggled. "There are two more movies. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug and The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies."

"Do you have them?" Kol asked Elijah.

Elijah frowned. "I do not. I don't think they are out."

"They aren't. If this world has any similarities to my world the next one will come out in December of 2013 and the last one will come out December of 2014." Talia offered. "It takes a while to make movies. Roughly two years a movie. Especially the ones with special effects like these."

"Special effects?" Kol asked.

Talia face palmed. "Well, I know what my evenings will be dedicated to. Teaching Kol and Rebekah about the modern world."

"Great." Rebekah teased. "Hybrid Bootcamp."

"Exactly." Talia said emphatically."

"Well, we have to get up early again. We need the sunrise to practice a few things. Original Bootcamp starts tomorrow at dawn." Kol clapped his hands.

"What?" Talia asked shocked. "I think I had some you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me stuck in my ear." Talia rubbed her ears. "Care to repeat that?"

Kol stared unamused at the ginger. "Bed. Now."

Talia started to glare at him but seeing his firm look backed off. She didn't want to be carried again. Talia grumbled all the way up the stairs about hard teachers and mean vampires. Talia prepared for bed in the bathroom. When she came out there was no shirt from Kol waiting for her. Talia frowned. She pulled on the pajamas that she bought with Rebekah and went to sleep. Boot Camp starts tomorrow.

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