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A/N Heads up, this is not written well. I pretty much had to drag myself through writing this, kicking and screaming (now that's a visual for you). I just didn't want to do it, and I honestly don't want to edit it so I'm not going to. Anyways, it covers the next part of the story, so read if you're curious. 

When Aiden popped into his office mid day to ask what he wanted for lunch, Garett happened to be there, which was how Brad found himself eating take out with his brother over his lunch hour.

It was fine really since Garett didn't care he was doing most of the talking, but when the topic of Aiden came up, Brad wished that he'd denied his younger bother when he'd asked if he could get something for lunch as well.

"What about him?" he grumbled, eyes down as he forced a pepper back into the fajita in his take out box. On the other side of the desk from in, in the chair Brad had at some point begun to think of as Aiden's, Garett straightened in surprise, eyes going wide.

"Did something happen?" his brother asked.

Immediately, Brad denied, "no," though it wasn't exactly true... or maybe it was. He really didn't know. Yes, Aiden had kissed him, but they hadn't discussed it at all since, and the blond was acting as if nothing happened. It was all very strange and confusing. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, I just heard that dad found out about his previous occupation last week," Garett explained, speaking cautiously. "I'm honestly surprised that he's still working here... I can't believe that you hired him in the first place anyways, though it seems to have worked out. How's you convince dad to let him stay?"

"I said he was good at his job," Brad grumbled, taking a sip of his water. "That's all?"

"Really?" Garett didn't sound as if he believed him. "Because, dad also asked me if I would keep an eye on the two of you for him".

Startled, Brad raised his head to meet Garret's blue eyes. "What? Why would he do that?"

"I was curious myself," Garett responded, gaze dropping a little bit. "So you're sure nothing happened, because our father seems to think something has".

Brad shook his head and looked down at his food again. "And you believe him?"

"I mean... maybe. It's plausible, for sure".

Despite himself, Brad was curious. "How so?"

"I don't know," Garett responded unhelpfully. Annoyed, Brad glanced up from his meal to watch his brother sip at his soda. Their eyes met and Garett rolled his. "You're just kind of different around him, I guess. Less scary. Warmer". Unsure of what to say about this, Brad just shook his head and resumed eating. "Well, anyways, it doesn't seem likely that he'll be getting fired over this. Just like... be careful not to get caught fooling around in the office. I wont tell dad, but I can't guarantee you that-"

"Just stop," Brad interrupted, coldly. "That's not something you need to worry about".

It really wasn't... Brad didn't care for Aiden as anything more than his assistant. Besides, it seemed the blond only saw him as a boss as well. He wondered why Aiden had kissed him if he wasn't ever going to talk about it or do it again. Maybe he just kissed everyone like that.

"Woah man," Garett voiced. "Don't look so upset. I'm just teasing".

Unaware that he'd appeared uset, Brad felt his eyes widen.

There was a knock on his office door, and then Aiden peeked his head in. "Hey, speak of the devil!" Garett exclaimed happily, turning in his chair to look back at the younger boy.

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