The Fourth Labor: The Woeing of Omphale Part I

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In Omphales court does Cupid hide.
In rafters dark so men don't spy
The winged god with scarlet darts
He shoots from bow to pierce men's hearts.

And make them fall in deepest love
A gift he rains from sky above.
Amongst the shadows god does creep
To hear what's spoke in Omphales keep.

"I've heard to court a godlings comes
As wild as beast and twice as dumb.
A gift from Tyrne to Lydias court
That demi-god I'll make my sport.

If single order he fails obey
I'll have the hangman godling slay.
For Lydian queen will rule her fief
And have her way inside her keep.

So ready arms and ready men
If down to Hades man we send."
Then servant ran to tyrants throne
Inside the hall he raced alone.

"On down our road the godling walks."
And all the court now murmer talks.
And Omphale readies all her men
To hades demi-god they'll send,

"Be ready men and draw your arms
If Zeuses son we're force to harm."
But deep in shade to men unknown
Does Cupid also ready bow.

And doors do slowly open creek
In walks the man with manners meek.
His oaken rod he holds in hand
In lion skin the hero stands.

And Omphales heart an arrow pierced
That's fired by Cupid god so fierce.
For first of times her heart was moved
Of demi-god the queen approved.

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