Chapter 13

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"hiding behind your witchy friends, and in squalor, no less" Klaus says as he stalks his way around Damon in the room that he new held the coffins. The coffins that held his family, the coffins that the Salvatore brothers and their friends had stolen. He was furious when he found out about his family being stolen and was desperate to get them back, especially Ophelia.

Klaus had locked ophelia in her coffin, that was different to the others, it was made of Mountian ash, meaning that she wouldn't be able to get out until it was opened, and since she wasn't daggered, as it would have done nothing, it meant that the girl had been awake inside of the coffin for weeks, starving, and alone, which she would never admit, was one of her worst fears. Klaus had only intended to keep her in there for a few days but after she got taken, that plan had obviously changed drastically, he needed to get her out

Suddenly the candles around him in the old abandoned house grew stronger and Klaus fell to the ground in agony as pain shot through his head, Klaus screamed loudly and damon looked around, happy that he wasn't the one being tortured by the witches for once 

"insulting a bunch of dead witches, not smart" Damon says sarcastically and shoots Klaus a wide grin "i made the exact same mistake the first time that i came in here"

Klaus stood up slowly, glaring at Damon "well you know, the funny thing about witches... is that living or dead, they care about their own" Klaus spluttered out angrily "a hundred dead witches have a thousand living descendants" Klaus clutched his head again and let out a scream "and i have no problem, killing every last one of them, if i don't get my coffins back. As i speak my hybrid friend is prepared to end the bennet line"

Suddenly everything went back to normal and the pain was no longer there, damon looked around in confusion and then disbelief when he realised what had happened. Klaus walked over to damon with a grin and then looked around the room "now, show me the coffins" Klaus says with a grin and then all of the coffins appear, causing Klaus grin to get even wider  and he walked around making sure that they were all there "here we are" but then he noticed one to be missing, the one that happened to hold the oldest mikaelson "where is the fifth?" Damon grins and Klaus only gets angrier and begins to yell at the witches "show me!"

"well, uh, here's the thing, they cant" Damon says with a sly grin "its not here"

"what did you do?" Klaus asks and walks over to Damon

"well, bonnie gave me the heads up, i mean, i didn't have enough time to get all five, but i did have time to get one" damon says and grins

"i will tear you, limb from limb. And only then, when you're a withering mass of blood and flesh will i rip your heart from your chest" Klaus threatens

"sorry, same rules apply, leverage and all" Damon says "i know you want your family back but something tells me you want whats in that coffin a lot more" Once damon says this it was obvious that Klaus was both fuming and scared, though klaus did his best to hide the fear and only show his anger. 

Damon walked off, leaving the abandoned house, Klaus and most of the coffins behind and while Damon was happy he got the main coffin out, he knew that since Klaus now had the majority of his family, Mystic falls was surely to turn into somewhat of a hell. But what Klaus didn't see, was the dagger that Damon had hidden inside of his jacket, the dagger that not an hour before, resided in no other than Elijah Mikaelsons body

Ophelia moved around uncomfortably in her coffin, she knew she had been in there for more than a week, but she didn't know how long for sure, but she did know that as soon as she got out, she was prepared to snap Klaus Mikaelsons neck. Suddenly a small knocking sound grabbed her out of her angry trance, then a small slip of light poured into her coffin and the coffin was thrown open. Ophelia went to strangle Klaus but stopped when she noticed Elijah standing over her

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