Chapter 5

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Hermione Grangers POV:

As I walked back from the hallway, I couldn't help but feel a sense that I was going to be yelled at. Mostly because I should have been back in my dorm about an hour ago, I just didn't want to leave Maya.

Something about me drew her in, I've never felt this way about another girl. I think she may have felt it too, but I couldn't be sure. I finally made my way to the common room preparing for the worst.

There sat Ron and Harry on the common room couch, Marauders Map in hand. Well shit, maybe they hadn't seen who I was with. They would actually freak out they are much, much to over protective.

"Mione! Where the hell have you been, I've been worried sick I thought you died!" Ron said in a very concerned tone

"Come on Ron, Mione is her own person. I'm sure she was behaving" Harry said trying to fight back laughter "I tried to make him go to bed but he would budge so I came to keep him company"

"Oh, come on you too! I just got carried away in my book that's all!" I was scared they had seen me with Maya on the map, possibly they had only just taken it out "Besides, I'm going to bed as should you too."

With that I headed up the stairs to my dorm to get ready for bed.

Maya's POV:

I made my way down the dining hall with Pansy, both boys had refused to get out of our dorm. I mean they were both absolutely wasted, so I could blame then entirely. I couldn't stop thinking about last night.

'easy chemistry, I was hoping to get to know you better'

They were the only thought that ran through my head as Pansy and I headed down to the great hall to eat. I just couldn't get her out of mind, it was like I was only half of myself when we aren't together. It was hard to know that she probably didn't feel the same way, actually it was killing me.

I could barely wait the whole day until we would study together in the library.

The day flew by, it was a very normal for me nothing interesting. I didn't have a single class with the Gryffindor's, that was fine. My day consisted of Blaise and Draco bitching about something for someone, and Pansy trying her shot with Theo or asking me for answers.

The day had finally finished.

Blaise, Draco, Pansy and I made our way down to the great hall for dinner.

"Well, I'm all done with dinner. I'm leaving." I said abruptly

"Already? You barely touched your food" Blaise said in a slightly concerned and curious tone

"Yeah, all you have done it stab your potato about 5 times" Draco chimed in

"Are you ok?" asked Pansy

"I'm fine, mums" and with that I left to my Dorm to get ready.

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