twenty seven - dream

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yawning, i rub the sleep from my eyes. i thought it could be different this time; that i wouldn't wake up to the absence of george. it feels like an eternity has passed since he left for england, and i wondered for a while if he was ever coming back home. eventually, i had to convince myself he'd come back, otherwise the aching in my chest would only grow larger.

the boy i've become so fond of hasn't left my mind, and this would usually irritate me however it's different with george. i'm never annoyed with the thought of him, and i don't mind the space he takes up in my head. i've never liked depending on someone, or getting attached to people; i still don't, but i find myself liking his presence more than anyone i've ever met. i enjoy his company, and more than anything right now, i just want to be around him.

but i have to remind myself he's in another country, far away from me, and probably finding someone much better than me.

but at least i know how i feel now.

i yank my phone out from underneath me, a spark of excitement buzzing within me as i see a text message from the boy. i chuckle, remembering back to how mean i was when he first moved to florida, and how different things are now. i'm not entirely sure if george is still upset with me, but my anger dissolved into nothing within a week of him leaving, and i secretly hope his did too. his words stung, a little deeper than i'm sure he meant them to but that's in the past now.

'stop spamming me. i'm coming back home very soon.' i read, my heart picking up its pace as i break out into a grin. i feel myself needing to ask how soon, but decide against it as i'd come off desperate or clingy.

'call me?' i type, hesitating for a second before i hit send. when he leaves me on read, i form another message, practically begging for an ounce of his attention, 'pleeeease?'

a moment passes, and i'm sure he's either too busy, or actually still too upset with me to respond; but his contact flashes onto my screen as my phone vibrates in my hands. with clammy palms, i pick up, nerves suddenly greeting me and my heart hammers in my throat.

"george? first, i just wanted to say sorry." i pause, finding myself needing to fidget. i take a short breath and try to ignore my anxieties rising inside my chest. "also, i'm sober right now."

a loud silence rings through the air as i await his response, and it's as if i can see his eyebrow raise, "and?"

with a newfound confidence, i reply, "and i still want you."


word count: 495
*in editing*
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short chapter L
(ima be honest, it's because i forgot to write. my bad.)

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