Chapter 24

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"Everyone leave, now!" Nathanielano ordered. As the people were leaving did, he make his way over to Morana while Gustavo kept watching for anyone to make a move.

Nathanielano sat down next to Morana's body. "Why didn't you tell me this was your plan? I could have helped." He looked at her. "I understand why you did what you did. I will tell Noah that his mother died protecting her family." He placed a kiss on her head and got up and walked away.

Miquel went to her body. The bullet had gone through the side of her head. "I know you said that if someone wanted to kill you that they should aim for your head but now I. I don't know. I want you to somehow survive."

He gave her a kiss on her head before taking her hands and placing them on her stomach. He sat back shocked when he felt her hand move slightly. "It is not possible." He whispered. He then went to check if she had a pulse just to make sure he wasn't crazy.

Placing his fingers on her neck did he felt the slightest heartbeat. "Nathanielano, come here!" Nathanielano turned and looked at Miquel. "I don't know how but she is alive barely but alive. Call our hospital."

Nathanielano shook his head. "Brother you know more than I that sometimes the body moves even though the person is dead. Morana is dead. She had a fucking bullet in her head!" "No, she is not but she will be soon. She still has a fucking pulse." Nathanielano's eyes widened and he went to her.

While he was checking for a pulse was Miquel busy calling the hospital. "What do we do?" "Keep her still. We don't know if the bullet is still in her brain. If we make the wrong movement then she could die." Miquel spoke.

Gustavo lit a cigarette. "Fuck, Morana you are one tough bitch. It is like you have nine lives." "Or heaven and hell are fighting where she belongs so they sent her back." Miquel walked backed back.

"Okay, there is an ambulance coming to take her to the closest hospital, to stabilize here before our hospital's helicopter is picking her up, to take her to Rome." Nathanielano gave a nod. "Good, you stay with her and fly back with her, I am going to fly back now. Gustavo, I am assuming you came with your own plane?"

Gustavo gave a nod. "Great. See you at home brother. Keep me posted." Nathanielano said leaving. Gustavo and Miquel sat and waited for the ambulance they arrived four minutes later. They carefully moved her into the ambulance. Miquel drove with them while Gustavo drove behind them.

Miquel gave them all the information needed. Once at the hospital did the doctor order a full body scan. The nurses drew some blood. They took her to x-rays and saw that the bullet when through. It was not still in her head.

The helicopter landed on the helipad. The doctor and nurses prepped her for the flight. "Sir, it is a miracle she survived but don't hold your breath she can still die. I will send the blood work to the hospital as soon as I got them. Godspeed." Miquel nodded and climbed into the helicopter.


Miquel was sitting in the waiting room when Gustavo came in. He had flown back with his own plane. "Any news?" Miquel shook his head. "They took her for an MRI to see if there is any brain activity." "And if there isn't?" "Then we have to decide if we want to keep the machines on or not."

They sat there in silence again. The doctor came out. "Ms Morana is in a very delicate state. Her condition lies on a fine line between being brain dead and being in a vegetative state. She has nearly any brain activity. She is in a coma."

"Fuck, so is there any chance for her to improve." "Chances are slim. Then there is also the other situation." '"What situation?" "Ms Morana is just over 11 weeks pregnant. If she is declared brain dead then-" "Wait. Stop talking. I have to call someone." Miquel spoke and walked away.

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