Healing Up

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"She'll live"  Doc told me, and I feel myself calm down.  She's been under Doc's constant watch for
close to five hours now, and I was started to get worried.

"Thank goodness" I sigh.  Doc comes over to me, and takes my hand in his, flipping it so my palm faced him.  After examining the burns I had received from lifting the fallen ceiling beam off of Caveira, he sighed.

"Just put some burn creme on them, and the'll be good as new in a few days."  he advised.

"Thanks Doc.  What about Cav?  What's her situation?" I ask.

"Well, she didn't inhale too much smoke, but there is quite a bit in her respiratory system, so she'll be on a respirator for the rest of the day.  Her legs look bad, but they'll heal, just need to be under constant watch, and some procedures need to be done tomorrow, when she's off the respirator."  Doc summed up.  I thanked him, and walked in to Cav's room, where she lay in the medical bed.  I see her arms are definitely more tan, probably from the intense heat, and the respirator made a steady drone, which made me feel a bit drowsy.  I sighed, pulling up a chair to Cav's bed, and looked over her.

"I'll always be here for you, Cav" I say, before falling asleep.

-half hour later-

I wake up to horrible-sounding coughing.  I jump up from my chair, and look at Cav, who seems to be in a fit of coughing.  Quickly, I place my hand on her back, and help her sit up.  She continues coughing for a few seconds before sighing.

"Definitely not in my...best s-shape" she joked.  I chuckled, helping her scoot back in the medical bed so she could sit up on her own.

"You gave everyone here a heart attack, Cav" I mentioned.  She frowned at me.

"Figured.  But, as always, I (cough) lived." she said in a serious tone.  I chuckled, and nodded.

"Yeah, you do have an immortal side to ya"  I joked, to which she glared.

"Why exactly are you here?" she asked.

"...ouch" I said.  I'll admit, that stung.  Did she not remember I just risked my life, rushing into an inferno just to rescue her ass?  She sighed.

"Let me rephrase;  don't you have training or anything?  Something...better, you could be doing?" she said that last part quietly.  I didn't know exactly what she meant by that, but I had a faint idea. 

"Cav, I rescued you from that fire.  Right now, nothing is more important than making sure you fully recover." I grab the water bottle Doc brought in earlier, and hand it to her.  She instantly snatches it, thumbs the cap a couple times, and chugs the whole bottle in seconds.  She coughs a few times after finishing the bottle before recapping it, and tossing it towards the foot of the bed, in which it sails into the recycling bin.  "Three-pointer" I joke.  Cav smirks as Doc entered the room.

"Oh, Caveira, you're awake!" Doc said, a bit in shock.  "What a wonderful surprise"

"Surprise?" Cav asked confused.  Doc shrugged.

"I predicted it would be at least another day before you came to, but I guess I overestimated".  Doc made his way over to the medical bed, checking her vitals, and making sure the equipment was running properly.

"Please tell me I can take these dumb tubes out of my nose?" Cav asked Doc in a threatening tone.  'Same old Caveira' I thought.  Doc sighed.

"Couple more hours and you'll be good."  Doc promised.  "But, I reckon you must be hungry?"  At that, Cav nodded.  Doc chuckled.  "Figured as much"  He turned to me.  "Eir, could you head to the mess hall and grab a tray for Cav?  I need to run some quick tests."  I nod.

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