Chapter 3

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Jimin's pov
Jungkook was a great kid, he was kind and patient with everything. But he was so lost in the school, obviously.

He kept looking at the clock and frowning, probably waiting for the bell to ring.

His stomach has been growling, "Hungry much?" He looked at me and nodded, "Here." I handed him a bag of fruit snacks.

"What, really?" I nodded, "You been hungry for almost 45 minutes, did you not eat breakfast?" I asked,

"No, I didn't have time." He said as he pat his stomach.

He looks younger than 17 honestly, I didn't even think he was 17 when I first saw him.

He looked like he was 15, that baby face can fool anybody. "Well eat the fruit snacks." He didn't touch the bag.

"Come on, eat it. You are going to be grumpy if you don't."

He huffed and opened it, grabbing a small gummy and putting it in his mouth.

"These are really good!" I chuckled at him, "Do you want any?" I shook my head, "No I ate at home."

"Oh, are you-" the bell rang causing Jungkook to jump up and grab his bag. "It's finally lunch time!" He sang,

"Come on, let's go meet Yoongi and the rest of my friends."

I took Jungkook by the arm and dragged him along with me,

Yoongi came up and the rest of my friends came. "Jungkook, these are the rest of my friends. Hoseok, Namjoon, Seokjin, and Taehyung."

He looked at Namjoon and Seokjin holding hands. "Namjoon and Seokjin are dating since middle school."

"Since 7th grade! Oh, Jungkook you don't have a problem with us being gay right?"

"No, I don't. I accept everyone! You two are cute though," He said admiring the one and only Namjin couple.

"But, my name Jeon Jungkook. Im 17 and well new."

"We are practically all your hyungs, except Taehyung. He's 17 as well."

"We are going to be good friends Jungkook." Taehyung came over and swung his arm around Jungkook.

"Since we all know each other, let's go grab something to eat," Seokjin said smiling while dragging Namjoon.

Taehyung and Jungkook were ahead along with Hoseok, while me and Yoongi were in the back.

"How is Jungkook so far?" Yoongi asked, "Actually good, why?"

"He was so lost when he came in this morning." I chuckled. Jungkook was actually a bright kid.

He was actually not like those kids who freak out when they don't know the building, those quiet annoy me.

"Come on. You're walking very slow." Yoongi said groaning as he dragged me by the arm.

The group of friends were already eating, while I was in line with Yoongi. I grabbed a tray and bought a soda.

While Yoongi was grabbing a tray and literally buying a whole bunch of cupcakes.

"You're going to get a cavity." I said as I looked at his tray.

"This is for our group." He said walking away, "We have got a new friend. Jungkook, we hope you stick with us!"

We passed out a cupcake to each of us. "Thank you," Jungkook said smiling,

"I hope we become really good friends." Taehyung said staring at Jungkook.

Im actually trying to finish and fix this story, stay still and be patient

"My Classmate" ー jikook ⚣ [COMPLETED] #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now