He's A Traitor!?!

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3rd person/told by the reactions
of all 1A students who aren't Izuku

They were all confused, The one and only Izuku Midoriya was standing right before their eyes in the training camps woods, but all the way at he end... Where nobody would have been able to find him if it weren't for Koji talking to the animals!

However, Class 1A didn't bring a pro hero with them so they could only watch as the greenette(?) had sprouted... Bunny Traits?!?

Izuku just stood there staring at the air just between the trees as if waiting for something to appear.

He was just standing there with bunny ears and a quite big bunny tail, holding what seemed to be a...KNIFE!?!

He just continued to stand there doing nothing for another few minutes before lifting the knife and placing the blade on his wrist, making precise cuts on his own body while giggling quietly when he saw the crimson liquid triple out of his arm...just loud enough for his classmates to hear.

After fifteen different cuts were made he dropped the knife and said the word 'Nightmare'?

He continued to repeat himself for a mere moment before his slight shadow appeared and...M-moved up his body and h-hugged Izuku from behind?

His shadow stopped hugging Izuku and made it's way in front of him... He then questioned, "Izuku, do you want me to bring Hall's here? You can just heal it but it would be so much funner to heal it and bring him here!" but with lots of sorrow and sounded like it needed sleep?

"Could you really do that for me, Nightmare...?" Izuku replied with a slight hitch in his voice as he spoke... "Definitely Izu, and it's a good thing currently because they are attacking soon and I can have the Honor of bringing them here!... Hahahaha!!!" "Oh my godddd! You've out doned yourself... Hahahaha!!!" The two beings that looked overwhelmingly similar couldn't stop laughing at what the one they believed was named shadow's words?

All of the students were overly confused as to what they were talking about, 'attacking soon' and what not. They got he sudden urge to run when Nightmare seemed to look at all of them dead in the eye with this smirk plastered on his face.

They all took off running back to the camping area to let the teachers know what they just saw in the back of the woods!

When they got back they tried to find Shota but failed! They went to the area 1B was training at, they successfully found 1B's teacher and sprinted full force toward him making the teacher jump a little when they all started shooting about what just happened and that they were unable to find their own teacher, they were to loud and jumbled together with their sentences that he couldn't understand what they were saying in time...

The forest was lit with blue flames and toxic smoke coming from the area the students of 1A came from!

A villain amerged from the darkness of purpley black that was now the forest... This villain that had emerged was none other than...Izuku...!?!

Izuku...was with another person though... It was Overhall?!?
(They are dressed like this)

 It was Overhall?!? (They are dressed like this)

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"S-so then this 'Halls person is Overhall...?" Kaminari asks.

"To be frank, yes. I honestly was hoping I would be able to play te innocent hero for a little longer, but you just had to be so fucking worried whenever you can't see someone for 5 minutes." Izuku replied sounding annoyed.

Wait So...Are you...a...T-traitor...?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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