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Hello All! Hope you all are enjoying the story so far. Today's the day of the showdown so I hope it is worth the wait. I apologize for any possible mistakes. I struggled a bit with the performance but I hope I get my point across.

Hope you all enjoy.


You never truly know someone until you put yourself in their shoes. And Lisa found this the hard way when she found out how exactly Rose was as a vocal coach and teaching her how to sing Trouble Maker two weeks before the practical assessment.

A normal person would usually be sleeping in on the weekend, catching up on the much-needed sleep which has been stolen from them during the weekday classes. And usually, Lisa is one of these people. But oh no. Not today. And not until the assessment is over. Because the Thai found herself running around Belvoire's campus with an Australian blonde who very much resembled a military sergeant with how she was ordering Lisa.

"Keep the tempo! Expand your chest! In through the noise! Project your voice!"

Lisa was singing the lyrics of Trouble Maker while running, while Rose was riding beside her on her bike, dressed in exercise clothes just like the Thai. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail and she looked very much like a sports model, but the fierceness of her instructions truly did strike in the militant route.

"Keep going Lisa! Louder!"

"This is as loud as I can go!"

"No, it is not! Sing! Keep the beat! Pronunciation is key to this song! Trou a ble! Trouble! Trou! Trouble Maker!"

"Trou a ble! Trouble! Trou! Trouble Maker!"

Lisa sang back, panting while her legs were killing her as she kept running. One of the first lessons which Rose taught Lisa in the art of singing is that you must have great control over your lungs, and you must be able to control your voice at all times. As Lisa will also be dancing with Jungkook while singing, she has to be able to balance her voice so that it doesn't sound shaky while she dances. While she has always respected idols, she respects them even more now because she has been struggling with maintaining her voice while dancing. Hence why Rose has made the blonde run every morning and night to practice stamina, control, and balance.

Rose is a seriously strict teacher, and she has been making Lisa practice in her time where she doesn't have dance practice or classes. The Thai literally found herself having no free time at all anymore because with how much Rose is pushing her. But she supposes that it is all for a good means. Anything to beat Kai and Jennie at their own game. And even though she did go hoarse for the first few days, she has actually gotten better. But what Rose always says, 'you can always improve!', and so she is still pushing herself. Letting herself be the student to her roommate.

Though she isn't the only one who has been helping out. The dance club have helped each out a lot as well. They have all been focusing on their respective dances and they all have been taking turns to rehearse their dances in front of everyone and then everybody would give their critique. Chungha and Lisa were the most vocal ones of course, making everyone laugh as they would not meet the expectations of the two dancers. but it was all coming from a good place. When it comes to dance, it is needed to be a perfectionist. And so, it actually helps them a lot to have Chungha and Lisa pointing out the mistakes and then helping them to correct them.

But the best thing which they have planned is the scenario of backup dancers. Before Lisa came, everyone mainly stuck to themselves in the performances, not having the resources that the rich kids had to supply their own setup and stages. But Jackson had so thankfully pointed out the thing which they have all been blind to. Each other.

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