26 || boom

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"SMART KID," SAID WICK. "I'll set the detonators." He declared and jumped over the railing while Raven started breaking the wires on the control panel.

I was helping Raven while Wick worked on the detonators. We knew we didn't have much time left and Raven was getting nervous. She handles her nervousness by taking it out on other people, though.

"Today, Wick!" She barked.

"I'm moving as fast as I ca-" He was cut off by shouting and the sound of metal banging outside the door. "Actually, I can go faster."

He finished what he was doing and ran over to us. 

"Did you get it done?" Raven shouted.

"Push the damn button, Raven!" Wick shouted back and crouched beside us. Raven pushed the button to make the bombs go off and four of the turbines shut down. We could hear the machine making a lot of noise on the last turbine.

"It's working," Wick commented. We were still too close. It was going to explode and we weren't far away enough.

Raven seemed to notice this, too. "We're too close," She said and we started running.

"Don't move!" A muffled voice shouted. A soldier in a hazmat suit aimed their gun at us. The three of us raised our hands in surrender but never stopped moving back.

"Just keep backing up," Wick whispered. 

"Stop moving. Right now!" The soldier ordered.

"We're still too close," I whispered.

"Not as close as they are," Wick replied. The turbine started whirring uncontrollably, it was gonna blow. We turned around and started running even faster, bullets from the guards following us.

The explosion went off and we were blasted away. At least we weren't dead. I had hit my head on a piece of rubble and my forehead was bleeding but apart from that, I think I was okay. I was definitely sore everywhere else and coughing a lot, just like Raven and Wick but that was basically all.

"You guys okay?" I croaked. I was a few feet away from them, Raven was closest to me and Wick was beside her. Raven was lying on her side with her back turned to me.

"Ah. My arm," Wick grunted. "Raven." He turned his attention to Raven, who was barely conscious. I crawled over to them. "What the fu - I  mean, what the heck is wrong with your blood?" Wick caught a glimpse of the blood dripping down my head.

"Long story," I grunted. "Tell you later."

Wick fiddled around with Raven's brace on her leg, which was busted. "Just saying, my brace would've held," Wick gloated. Raven sat up to catch her breath. "Come on. Let's get out of here," Wick helped Raven up but was unsuccessful due to both of their injured states.

"Kyle," I knew what she was gonna say.

"No. No way, don't even say it. I'm not going anywhere without you," Wick knew what she was thinking, too and quickly shut her down.

"What I was gonna say is... please don't leave me," Raven sighed. 

"Not a chance," Wick pulled the mechanic into a hug.

"Hey, lovebirds. Sorry to ruin the moment but we've got company," I said as a group of soldiers came into the room, pointing their flashlights in our faces and aiming their guns at us.

"There they are," One of the soldiers said. "We got the one with the funky blood, too,"  They said into their walkie talkie. Funky blood? I'll make their face look funky in a second.

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