The Truths

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I was really nervous about this investigation. I hadn't had any experience with dead bodies, and wouldn't like it if I saw one, but there was another reason. I wasn't mentally stable enough for any confrontation we may receive. When I saw the body though, I was able to keep pretty calm. "I wonder what happened here." Fred murmurs. "Hey! Freeze scumbags, it's the cops!" We hear. "I'm sorry, what?" I ask. "I said, we're the cops!" He repeats. "Yeah? And I'm the Judge." Fred retorts."Oh, Judge Fred! Yes, come in. But, what about her?!" He asks, pointing at me. "She's my assistant of sorts." Fred replies. "Call me Cat. And, not of sorts, Fred. I am your assistant." I say, smiling slightly. "Well, alright. Our Prosecutor hasn't arrived yet, so I think you can investigate." He says. Fred smiles. "Where do we start?" I ask, smiling. "I'd assume we'd start with investigating the crime scene." He says. I sigh, but then put on a smile. "Right! The body and crime scene... Maybe I'll go talk to the witnesses while you investigate here?" He nods, but something hits me. "Wait a second! I thought we were investigating the guy at the gate! What does a murder have to do with anything?" I ask. "The guy at the gate is accused of falsely exiling me, and this is the case no one could solve." Fred reminds me. "Oh right! I kind of forgot that was a thing." I say, laughing slightly. "You asked me about it when I first came back! How did you forget?" He asks. "I have a bad memory." I say, embarrassed. "Whatever! Go talk with the witnesses!" He says. "Okay!" I say, walking off a bit quicker than normal. I ask questions to multiple witnesses, when I head into a clearing that was a bit out of sight. I fall to my knees and start crying. "They can't see me like this. I know I shouldn't cry, but I can't help it. I just have to stay strong, and be the girl they want me to be." I sigh. I wipe away the tears away, put on a fake smile, and head to talk with more witnesses. "Cat! We have other places to investigate." Fred says suddenly, causing me to jump. "R-right. Lets go..." I say. "So, Cat, why did I see you through the window, crying earlier?" He asks suddenly. "W-what? I was never crying!" I say. "There's no chance of you escaping, so don't try to lie." He says. I feel myself grow pale. I fall to my knees and cry again. It felt like I was letting a tidal wave rip through me. "I can't help it! It's something I've always had. I always put on a mask so people see me as someone they can look up to, that they can aspire to be. But, I'm always doubting myself, or blaming myself for the smallest things." I say. "It's good for to vent your emotions to someone. I'm glad you told me about this, because I will do anything in my power to make these emotions of powerlessness, and despair, and self-doubt go away." He says. I look at the ground. "Why are you worrying about me?!" I scream, running off.

The Goomba Court (Cat's POV)Where stories live. Discover now