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Today was the day, the date. Namjoon was already dressed, and over at Y/Ns.

"I dont know Joon, isnt this too...dressy?" Y/N asked.

She was wearing a black sweater, jean jacket (borrowed from Namjoon), tights, and black boots.

"Come on, you look great it's not too dressy. Oh here!" Said Namjoon.

Namjoon found a small necklace, "perfect." He put the necklace on her.

"Dont you think this coordinated outfits are a good idea Joon?"laughed Y/N.

"Of course! Are you bringing the glasses tonight?"

"I think so, we are meeting at their house, right?" Asked Y/N.

"Yep we should get going." Namjoon tossed a helmet to Y/N as they walked out.

She rolled her eyes and put the helmet on. They both got onto the bike and made their way over.

"Does it look okay hyung?" Asked Hoseok. Jin had prepared him a nice, Christmas themed, outfit.

"Yes it looks good, dont fret. They should be here soon. Yoongs! Make sure the fireplace doesnt go out!" Said Seokjin.

"I won't let it go out hyung, I'm trying to stay warm too ya know." Sassed Yoongi as he drank his hot chocolate.

Hoseok fixed his jacket as he joined Yoongi on the couch. A random Christmas movie was on.

Seokjin finished cleaning up everything as he insisted it should be spotless. Their house was generally clean but the eldest always found something to clean.

The doorbell rang, Seokjin ran to the door, "they're here!!"

They all laughed a little, the door was opened and the two guests were welcomed inside.

"Good now I can watch my movie with no disturbance." Commented Yoongi as he sipped his hot coco.

"Or I could cancel the netflix subscription. " retaliated Seokjin.

"I will put snakes in your bed, try me bitch."

"What was that?" Argued Seokjin.

"I said have fun on your date hyung!"

Seokjin gave Yoongi a 'that's what I thought. ' look. Hoseok felt embarrassed by the two even if it was a playful argument.

"Nice to see you too hyung." Said Joon.

Y/N walked over to Hoseok, he smiled and looked her up and down, "I'm sorry I cant see the color, but you look nice. " commented Hoseok.

"Thank you, you look nice as well Hobi. It's not dark yet, are we going to wait or?"

"We can wait it should be dark in about an hour." Said Seokjin as he looked at his watch.

"Right, well can you believe Christmas is in 5 days? It doesnt feel like Christmas time." Said Namjoon.

"It really is crazy." Said Y/N. She sat down next to Hoseok, watching whatever movie Yoongi put on.

"Are you excited for the lights?" Asked Hoseok.

"Mhm, I usually take my siblings to see them and this should be fun." Said Y/N.

"You have siblings?"

"Yep. 2 of em, I'm the oldest. One is a year younger than Jungkook, the other is 5." Explained Y/N.

"Oh I'd love to meet them." Hoseok smiled as he listened to Y/N talk about her family.

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