
330 16 3

(Your POV)

I woke up in a bathtub full of clean water, naked. 

"Um." I said, looking around the room.

I spotted a note pinned on the wall, and I took it and read it.

It said,


Sorry if you're confused about being in the bathtub naked. I thought you wanted a bath, and your cut isn't as bad anymore. You also had a lot of blood on your skin, and that needed to be cleaned. Again, sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. Your cut might be a little sore or maybe it'll hurt, so if you need any help like getting dressed or getting out I'll help. Just shout for me. Oh, and I need to wrap you again, so when you're ready I can help you with that.

- Boris

"That makes more sense now." I say. I look down at my stomach, finally seeing my cut.

Oh, man.

It was three cuts, large and deep, like a claw mark. The one in the middle was longer than the rest, and the two on each other side were slightly shorter. They were blackened and pink, and there were black stitches going over them. 


I can see why Boris didn't want me to see it. It must've been worse when it was actually open.

I put my arms on the sides of the tub and try and lift myself up. 

However, when I started to bend my torso, it hurt. Not too bad, but it was definitely sore. 

"Ow." I say. I push up again. I finally am able to stand up.

"Yay!" I say to myself. Then, I begin to get dressed. I put everything on except my shirt, so Boris can wrap me all the way around my torso. And yes, I'm wearing a bra.

"Boris! I'm ready for you to wrap me up now!" I shout. I then hear footsteps coming towards my room. I then hear a knock at my door.

"You can come in, Boris." I say. Sure enough, Boris walks through the door. He greets me with a wave. He then points at my stomach. 

"It feels a little sore, but you did a great job." I tell him. "Can you wrap me up, though? I think it'll feel better after doing that."

He nods and pulls a roll of bandages out of his pocket. He then motions for me to raise my arms above my head. I do, and he begins to wrap my torso tightly. When he was finished, I thanked Boris, he left, and I put my shirt back on.

I left the bathroom and was met with a room like a kitchen. There was a large table, and a stove in the corner. Next to me there was a big shelf filled with cans. Sitting at the table was Bendy and Boris. Bendy's back was to me, and Boris was facing me on the other side of the table. They were playing cards. 

"Hey." I said, walking over to them. Bendy turned around and smiled. 

"Good morning! Sleep well?" He asked.

"Yeah, I did! It was a bit of a shock when I woke up in the bathtub, though."

"Sorry about that. It was my idea, I thought you would enjoy a bath."

"Aw, that's sweet." 

I sit down in between Boris and Bendy. I watch them play cards for a bit, then I notice the radio close to the table.

"Does that play music?" I ask, pointing to it. Bendy looked up at it.

"Oh, yeah, it can." He says and looks back down at his cards.

I get up and walk over to the radio, then turn it on. I turn the knobs a bit, and I find a nice song. It's bouncy and fun, and the lyrics are cool.

"Aw, yeah." I say, finding the rhythm and beginning to dance.

I probably look like a big idiot, but I didn't care. I really felt like I had to do something physical, yet artistic. And the song just felt right.

Every movement I made was with purpose, and I felt like I was flying. I was free. 

I was so into it, I didn't notice Bendy put down his cards and walk over to me.

I didn't notice he was there until he took my hand and twirled me, which turned into a dip. 

"Sorry, I saw an opportunity and I couldn't resist." He says, pulling me back up again. 

I felt my face flush and I felt fuzzy.

Ahh, what?

"It's okay." I say. Just then, that song ended. Then, another one came on.

It was more of an electro-swing song. It sounded even more bouncy and fun. 

Bendy looked at me, and smiled. He bowed and held his hand out to me and said,

"Shall we?"

I giggled and took his hand. He smiled again, and pulled me in.

Then, once again, I was lost in the music. 

It was just me and Bendy.

And they weren't kidding when they called him the Dancing Demon. He was amazing.

Not only did he make me feel more confident when I danced with him, he was incredible by himself. Every movement was so expressive, and with me holding onto him and doing it with him, I felt incredible.

Once again, I felt free.

But I felt more than that.

I felt beautiful. I felt graceful.

I felt confident.

The song started to slow down, and we did too. 

Then I noticed just how out of breath I was. But, no matter how hard I breathed, I couldn't get more air into my lungs. 

It was the bandage around my torso. It was too tight. That, or I shouldn't have danced in the first place. 

I started to fall to my knees. I couldn't breathe. That stupid wrap, stupid gash, stupid Searchers.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Bendy asks. He follows me down and kneels in front of me.

"I think...too tight..." I manage to say while gesturing to my stomach. He looks down once and understands.

"Boris, we need to loosen her bandage! She can't breathe!" He shouts to Boris. He could just do it himself, but I understand why he didn't want to take off my shirt.

Especially if Boris was right there.

I heard Boris's footsteps come closer to me, and he unbuttoned the bottom of my shirt. 

I felt the tightness go away. 

I took a deep breath. Multiple, actually. Bendy put his hands on my shoulders and I could feel his head close to mine.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I nod and look up.

"I liked that dance." I said, smiling. Then I laugh. "Too bad I ran out of breath."

He laughs too.

"Yeah, that's a shame." He says. "Should we do it again sometime?" 

"Yeah, we should."

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