Micah X Reader - Secrets

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summary - you've always have had a soft spot for micah but when you find out you are both snitching to the pinkertons a secret relationship blooms

{this story is written from the perspective of a cis female who uses she/her pronouns}

Colter was a horrible place. You had never liked cold weather and would much prefer to be in a warm place like Tumbleweed or Armadillo than this miserable icy place. The only thing that was really keeping you going was Micah.

Yes, you realised how crazy that sounded. But, though he was slightly unbearable at times, you weren't exactly the most positive person ever. You liked Micahs attitude and honestly found it quite amusing and attractive. You would obviously never admit this to anyone else, especially not him.

If you did that, you knew you would be teased for weeks on end and if you told Micah you would ruin any kind of possible friendship. So you had kept your feelings very much secret and hidden away. Yes, you wish you could tell him and live out a picture perfect life, but that wasn't really Micah's style. Or yours, for that matter.

You and Micah often did jobs together and seemed to make a pretty good team, even if you both a little competitive with one another. Micah was the first person you asked to go on robberies and things and Micah seemed to always go to you as well.

Plus he had saved your life.

It was a regular robbery gone wrong but it had ended with you getting quite badly shot. He had carried you back safely and honestly seemed quite distressed.

You didn't know this but Micah quite liked you too.


Little did anyone know, you were only in this gang for money. The Pinkertons would pay thousands to get information from you and you could live a comfortable life. So even if you got close to Micah romantically, you would have to betray him in the end.

Javier and Arthur had just found John out in the snow and everyone was fussing over him back in building. Things were hectic and you weren't in the the mood to give John a shitload of pity and comfort Abigail. You found yourself wandering off into the snow, just having a look around. It was bad weather so the snow swirled into your hair.

"Who goes there?" You hear the familiar raspy tone of Micah Bell and the sound of him readying his pistol.

"Calm it, Bell. It's Y/N," You called, trying to make your voice sound intimidating and mostly failing.

"Still not sure if I should just keep my gun out," Micah cackled, but he said this as he was pocketing the weapon.

"What are you doing out here?" You looked the man up and down. He was sitting on a log, sort of hunched over. He looked... different. Defeated, almost. It was like the walls he usually had built up around him were down.

"Eh, just thinkin', ain't doing nothing special,"Micah flicked snow off his knee and looked up at you. You had never noticed how nice his eyes were, a cold pale blue, reflecting his personality.

"Hm, very interesting. How're you holding up?" You asked, leaning against a tree.

"This place is a shithole, the sooner we get out here the better," he grumbled.

"I'll second to that," you laughed and turned to head off back to camp.

"Where you off too?" Micah said unexpectedly.

"I'm heading back, you idiot," you raised your eyebrow at him, "why?"

"Ain't no reason," he muttered as you turned away.

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