Failing Quidditch Team

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"Can't wait to see what Umbridge thinks of your going public," said Dean, wounding awestruck at dinner on Monday night. Seamus was shoveling down large amounts of chicken-and-ham on Dean's other side, but it was obvious that he was listening.

"It's the right thing to do, Harry," said Neville, who was sitting opposite Hary. He was rather pale, but went on in a low voice, "It must have been tough...talking about it....Was it?"

"Yeah," mumbled Harry, "but people have got to know what Voldemort's capable of, haven't they?"

"That's right," said Neville, nodding, "and his Death Eaters too...People should know..."

Neville left his sentence hanging and returned to his baked potato. Seamus looked up, but when he caught Estella's eye he looked quickly back at his plate; probably wanting to avoid an intense glare she sent his way whenever she saw him. It was one thing to have a contradicting set of beliefs but at least make them off of what you believe rather than what your parents think or want you to think.

After a while Dean, Seamus, and Neville departed for the common room, leaving Harry, Estella, and Hermione at the table waiting for Ron who had not yet had dinner.

Cho walked into the hall with her friend Marietta and Harry rolled his eyes; Hermione, of course, caught on.

"Oh, did something happen?" said Hermione, glancing over at the Ravenclaw table, "I passed her on the way in Hogsmeade and she asked where'd you go after leaving Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop and wouldn't take no for an answer."

Harry's expression turned sour almost like he couldn't stand even talking about her anymore. From what her father had told her if someone were to disrespect your soulmate you were no longer able to be near them without a sense of anger; at least, that's what happened with him and her mother.

"Yeah, Cho said some stuff that Harry didn't agree with," said Estella gently, watching Harry's jaw clench.

Harry scoffed. "Of course I didn't agree with it. I wasn't going to let her say stuff about you like that," he said angrily.

Hermione glanced at the pair and then at Cho, who sat with her back against them. "I'm sorry for telling her, she said it'd be quick-"

Estella shook her head. "Not your fault, she would've found us anyway," she added.

"I can't believe I'm going to have to see her at practices," Harry groaned. He never thought
Cho'd ever say something like that, most of all to his face.

"What exactly happened?" asked Hermione, sipping her tea as Ron dropped onto the bench, opposite her and Harry, and stuffed his dish with various foods.

"Firstly, she wouldn't take no for an answer so I had to talk to her. She started off asking why I was on a date, why we made it public, and then she changed the topic to Cedric," said Harry. "Then she got mad at me for saying I'd talk to Estella or you and Ron, but mostly Estella, about him even though you know...and was ultimately being insanely rude."

Ron paused his chewing. "Need me to beat her up, accidentally throw a Quaffle at her head?" he asked, with an excited, but tired, grin.

"Can't afford you to get trouble, especially with Umbridge lurking," said Harry, annoyed.

"I'll make it look like an accident, I swear. We practiced for blimey ten hours," Ron groaned as he cut up his potatoes and looked at Estella.

"I genuinely do appreciate the offer, Ron," Estella laughed. Ron grinned at the girl.

"Anything for you," he said, stuffing his mouth.

"I mean she probably didn't say anything that bad," said Ginny timidly, but with a hint of mischief in her eyes.

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