Ch. 65

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                                                           Memphis, TN
                                              September 25, 2019

Cali's POV

After Tremani's party last week I flew back to Memphis to make sure everything is coming along with the house, and plus I had a doctors appointment.

" You sent her the right address, right?" My momma asked me as we waited on Tameika.

" Yeah, she said she 5 minutes away." I said as we sat waiting on for them to call me back.

A few minutes later, Tameika walked in. I could tell she was confused as to why we was here just by the look on her face.

" I would say hey, but I'm just tryna figure out what the hell we doing at the doctor's office Caliana?" Tameika said confused as she walked over to me, and my momma.

" I wanted you to come to my ultrasound appointment, so you can see your grandchild." I said as I nervously played with my hands.

" You pregnant?" Meika asked with a shocked facial expression.

" Yeah, I'm pregnant by Key. Today my 4 month doctor's appointment." I smiled.

" I'm so excited! Congratulations, sweetie! Hold up, so Key got two kids on the damn way, and he didn't tell me about either one of em? Let me call his long neck ass, and cuss him the fuck out." Meika said as she grabbed her phone.

" Key, doesn't know yet. I wanted to tell him last week, but we got into it. So, I plan on telling him some other time." I quickly said.

" Well, you need to tell him today cause I can't keep a secret like this from my son." Meika said looking at me

" And I'm not asking you too, but just give me some time, and I promise I'ma tell him soon." I said truthfully.

Before Meika could say anything the nurse called me in the back. They did the normal check up routine. We went into the ultrasound room, and I laid back on the table. The doctor came in, and I raised up my shirt showing my small baby bump. It wasn't as big, but it was definitely protruding.

" I'm guessing these are the grandmothers." Mrs. Rivers said.

I nodded my head.

" Hi." My momma and Meika nothing waved at my doctor.

" Well, let's see how the baby is doing." She said as she moved the ultrasound doppler on my stomach.

We all looked on the screen as the baby was moving trying to hide from being seen.

" Stubborn already just like Markeyvius." Meika said shaking her head.

" Well, it's looks like he or she is sleeping, and doesn't wanna be bothered." Mrs. Rivers said.

" Just like Caliana." My momma said laughing.

" Y'all gone leave my baby alone. Is it possible if we can find out the gender today?" I asked.

" We can try." She said as she pressed a few buttons on the machine.

She moved the doppler all around my stomach.

" Caliana, the baby is being very stubborn today. I'm sorry we can't find out the gender today, but I can let you hear the heartbeat."

" It's fine it was worth a shot, and ok." I laughed.

She pressed a few more buttons on the machine, and we started to hear the heartbeat. As I looked over I realized Meika and my mom was recording, and practically in tears. I couldn't help, but smile at the screen.

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