(41) Royally Sold- A bite to much

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Helo my lovelies! Take a read yeah? :D Listen to the song? One of my favourites :D


Royally Sold

Ch41- A bite to much


Death and I rode into the night, the moon cast down upon us, its gentle rays splaying across us, illuminating us in a deathly glow. Death slowed down to a trot and I looked at where we were, we happened to be on the outside of the kingdom. Why did Death bring me here? Did he have an ulterior motive?

Why are we here death? I thought to him, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

Oh, nothing I just wanted you to, I don’t know muse over what we are going to do soon.  I looked down at him, rubbing his head softly; I hopped off him and slowly walked towards the gates, my hands trailing over the wrought iron. I could hear screaming and shouting coming from the centre of the kingdom. I see pestilence has been put to work; it was a very good job done by Zack. I think it was rather creative, making the peasants want to eat each other. It was rather funny as well.

Death I don’t really understand our part in all of this? What are we to do?

He snorted and then spoke to me, my dearest Luna, how can you not see that we are the most terrifying part of the apocalypse. We are death! People fear us, nobody wants to die.

But Death, everyone is already dying I mean war, famine, pestilence it all cause people to die.

Death neighed loudly and huffed walking towards me.

We can raise the dead, what way to bring down this place then by playing with people’s emotions. Emotions are a strong thing, humans run on it. We raise their loves ones give them hope, we make them hallucinate and we scare them, we terrify them. They will already be broken by the time Death rolls around all we have to do its break them down even more. Make them suffer, we give them hope and we crush it. We turn them into but mere shells of their former being. After we are done with them, they won’t rebuild the city, we will destroy them. We will turn them into dust...

I stared at death a wicked gleam in my eyes. I looked up towards the falling moon and realised it was time to go into the city. It was time to scout out my family members...it was time to bring back my dear old dead brother Cole.


I flew over the wide expanse of the kingdom, passing the market which was desolate and landing on the bridge. I smiled slightly as I heard the shrilling screams of the peasants that were infected their voices rising higher and higher, they were banging on doors, wanting to be fed. I laughed slightly. I flew inside one of the windows of the castle and sought out my dead brother.

I had no feelings of sadness over him, he was dead. So what, I am the epitome of death.  I walked along the wide hallways looking down at the dead people. A small smirk played on my lips. I walked into the room in which Cole was in and I stopped dead in my tracks.

The smell, I crinkled my nose. The smell was terrible I looked down at the various dead bodies in the room, some slowly reaching the decomposing stages, their wings frail and tattered. I sighed and slowly steeped over the dead bodies and sought out Cole. I felt a small tug at my heart as I stared down at my dead brother, his pale first vacant of any life, his form loose and helpless. I reached down and touched his face. Not only could I take life, I could bring it back just as easily. Although Cole wouldn’t be the same, his mind will have been converted to the darkness, he would be my minion to command, he was but bait in my master plan. I smiled evilly.

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