Side Story: Lex

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Lex takes out his phone and sees an incoming call from Mrs.Lance. He answers.

"Hello?" Lex answers.

"Lex. How is it with the team?" Mrs.Lance asks.

"It's... okay. Otto is willing to trust me. Zane and Zari are starting to put a bit of trust in me." Lex says.

"That's good. At least you are making some progress." Mrs.Lance says.

"I bet you had a chat with those two, didn't you." Lex says.

"Yup. Listen, just keep doing what you can. Speed isn't always helpful when fixing trust." Mrs.Lance says.

"I know. Heard that you fought against the headmaster from Wellston. To think he could actually hurt someone like you." Lex smirks.

"Don't get any ideas Lex. Even I had some trouble dealing with him. I can consider him to be someone with respect. He doesn't like the authorities. Yet, he can believe in us because of what we do. Too bad he won't join us." Mrs.Lance says.

"So is there any reason to call me besides checking how I was doing?" Lex asks.

"Actually yes. In your opinion, what do you think of Seraphina and John?" Mrs.Lance asks.

"The lovebirds? Well, I can say they are made for each other. *chuckles* Zari made me make those two kiss with my speed. John is like someone who's about to blow up if anything happens to his crush. Seraphina is somewhat broken because of her ability being 'gone'." Lex states.

"I see. Something is telling me that John might break if Seraphina ever finds about his ability. I'm gonna warn Zane and Zari about stopping John if he ever decides to attack her. It will hurt them both if that happens." Mrs.Lance says with worry.

"Do you wish for me to stop him if they aren't around?" Lex asks.

"Yes. However, the moment he loses himself, I will come personally. I know how to deal with angry children." Mrs.Lance says seriously.

Lex shivers at the thought.

"SHUT UP!!!!" Lex shouts.

Lex speeds around knocking the guards out.

"ENOUGH!" Mrs.Lance shouts.

Lex looks at Mrs.Lance and speeds towards her. A crystal barrier appears and Lex punches it. The crystal barrier cracks then Mrs.Lance tackles Lex with the crystal barrier. Lex slides back. Mrs.Lance appears in front of Lex and knocks him out.

*Flashback ends*

"At least we don't break bad children like the authorities. I show them who not to mess with." Mrs.Lance says.

"Heh! You make their teachings look like trash." Lex smirks.

"Yeah yeah. Well got to go. Bye." Mrs.Lance says then ends the call.

"Yeah. You only attack if we start it. You avoid to fight but fight back if they don't listen." Lex says.

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