epilogue - xxi

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Thirteen Years Later...

"Paloma, dear! Are you ready to go! Aunt Rowe is here!" Christy shouted up the stairs

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"Paloma, dear! Are you ready to go! Aunt Rowe is here!" Christy shouted up the stairs.

All of a sudden, a frizzy haired girl pounded down the stairs, her piercingly green eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Do you have everything?" Remus asked, taking his wife's hand, chuckling fondly at their daughters energy.

"Yes!" she grinned cheekily.

"Good, Auntie Rowe is in the car, ready to take us, Elsie is head girl this year," Christy said, making light conversation as they made there way outside, "And Auntie Lily and Uncle James will meet us there with Harry,"

"Okay Mum!" Paloma nodded as she hopped into the backseat of the car, greeting her Aunt and Cousin.

"Let's get going then shall we?!" Rowan smiled.

The station was crowed and noisy, filled with laughter and the gentle hun of magic engulfed them.

"I miss this place, don't you?" Remus sighed contentedly, looking over to his wife.

Christy didn't reply, just pressed a gentle kiss to her husbands cheek.

"Yuck!" Paloma scrunched her face up in disgust, before instantly beaming, "Harry!" she cried, running over to her 'cousin' and wrapping her arms around the boy.

"Hey dove!" he greeted, using the nickname the two had invented after learning that Paloma, in fact, means 'dove' in Spanish.

"You excited?" He grinned, to which she nodded enthusiastically.

"Hey kiddo," James greeted, ruffling his nieces wild hair.

"Hiya Jam, Lily- Uncle Siri?" her face lit up, as she tackled the man into a hug.

"Why don't I get a hug?!" James fake pouted.

"Oh shush you," Lily chastised.

"Mar, and Dor will be here any minute, with Addison," Christy said, joining the group of adults, as the kids chatted animatedly.

"Addie's going into third year right?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah," Remus confirmed, "What you doing here anyway Siri?"

"Had to see my favourite niece and nephews off didn't I?" he replied, directing the response towards Harry and Paloma.

"What about Pete?" James questioned.

"Working," Christy replied, dejectedly.

"Aw, that's a shame,"

All heads snapped to the new voice, where stood a smirking Marlene, beside Dorcas and their son Addison.

"Hey Addie!" Harry waved.

Just as Addie was about to reply, a loud whistle resounded throughout the station, signalling two minutes before departure.

Simultaneously, the adults started fussing over their children, smoothing untameable hair, or brushing invisible lint off clothes.

"Oh come here," Christy pulled her daughter in for a bone crushing hug, "my little dove, all grown up,"

"Remember to write to us, the house will be awfully quite without you at home," Remus crouched down to his daughters height.

"I will dad, i'll miss you both," Paloma sighed, hugging her parents one last time. "I'll see you at Christmas, okay,"

"Okay, love," Christina smiled, as Paloma ran off with Harry towards the Hogwarts express, "Dont forget to give Uncke Reg our love!" Remus shouted, last minute.

"I can't give a professor love, dad," She scrunched her nose, before waving, and vanishing onto the scarlet train.

"I'll miss them," Lily said, wiping away a stray tear.

"Me too," Dorcas responded, snaking an arm around Marlene's waist, "they'll be okay,"

"I know, I know," said Christy.

With one final whistle, slowly, the wheels started to turn and the express began to chug out of the station, leaving only dissipating smoke in its wake.

"We really did it," Sirius smiled fondly, looking at the group, seeing their proud, yet teary faces.

Christy looked back to her bestfriend, "We made it."

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I hope you all enjoyed my book! I really enjoyed writing it. I'm already writing a new book, an Avengers fan fiction this time! I'm more that willing to write another marauders story, let me know if you want me to!

Thank you for the insane support, it means so much to me!!

- Amy x

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