The Alpha's Bad Girl (8)

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The sun penetrated my eyelids as I groaned in exhaustion. A night filled with no sleep, but images of the blonde beauty who I get to call my mate.

So many questions flashing through my mind. What is her name? How old is she? And more importantly, why haven't I met her before. I am going to be he Alpha soon, and I have seen every pack member mot just in my pack, but in the neighboring ones as well. This leads me to believe that she had to be human, because I would have been alerted if a rouge was in my territory. One thing I know for sure is that, I have to get all my questions answered.

Sliding on some pants and a shirt, I walked into the bathroom to handle my business and brush my teeth. Today, I had to tell my parents I found her, but I had to approach her first, get to know her.

Walking into the kitchen, I felt like I was hiding a big secret from everyone I love, but I had to find out for myself first, who she was, why she was here, so that she wouldn't be overwhelmed by entering my world.

Today was Monday, I had five days to meet my mate and introduce her to my family and the pack, before my father makes me pick another. How was I supposed to go to school, knowing that my mate is out there, but I have no way to find her. I could track her scent, but that feels like an invasion of her privacy. But since when did I give a hell about privacy?

"Why the hell are you so quiet today?" Michael asked taking a seat across from me at the table.

"Nothing." I said in response and began to eat my breakfast.

"Nothing." He scoffed. "I know you man, now tell your cousin Mikey what is on your precious little mind." He squeezed my cheeks.

Slapping his hands away I groaned."You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

"We are going to be late for school." I said dumping the rest fi my breakfast in my mouth, and grabbing my car keys from off the wall. "Are you coming, or are you walking?" I asked from over my shoulder.

We got into the car and headed off to school.

"So, are you going to tell me or will I have to guess?"

"If I tell you, you can't tell anyone, not even my parents."

"Fine, what is it?"

"I'm serious Michael. If you utter this to anyone, I swear-"

"Okay, I get it. Now tell me." He urged.

"I found my mate."

"Really? Is she hot?"

"That is none of your concern," I growled.

"Hey, I'm just saying we can't have an ugly Luna." He shrugged putting his foot up on my dashboard.

"Put your damn foot down, and she is the most beautiful woman in the world."

"So, what's her name? Is she in our pack? I hop I didn't bang her, that would be awkward."

"I don't know, no, and if you did, I would just have to kill you." I gave him a croooked smile parking the car.

Stepping out, we headed towards the front of the school. There we saw my Delta Nick, and our other friend Kyle.

"What's up." Michael asked.

"Nothing, I hear that there is some new girl in town. Human." Nick said.

"My guess is she's hot, if she is popular already." Kyle laughed.

I growled lowly. That is my mate they are talking about, they just don't know it yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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