A Rat Ratted the D.A. Out

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"I bet you wish you hadn't given up Divination now, don't you two?" asked Parvati, smirking.

It was breakfast time a few days after the sacking of Professor Trelawney, and Parvati was curling her eyelashes around her wand and examining the effect in the back of her spoon. They were to have their first lesson with Firenze that morning.

"I've already taken lessons with him," murmured Estella.

"Not really," said Hermione indifferently, who was reading the Daily Prophet. "I've never really liked horses."

She turned a page of the newspaper, scanning its columns.

"He's not a horse, he's a centaur!" said Lavender, sounding shocked.

"A gorgeous centaur..." sighed Parvati.

Harry laughed at the sight of Estella's face. Never had she heard someone call a centaur gorgeous.

"Either way, he's still got four legs," said Hermione cooly. "Anyway, I thought you two were all upset that Trelawney had gone?"

"We are!" Lavender assured her. "We went up to her office to see her, we took her some daffodils-not the honking ones that Sprout's got, nice ones..."

"How is she?" asked Estella.

"Not very good, poor thing," said Lavender sympathetically. "She was crying and saying she'd rather leave the castle forever than stay here if Umbridge is still here, and I don't blame her. Umbridge was horrible to her, wasn't she?"

Estella chuckled. "I've got the feeling Umbridge has only just started being horrible," said Estella darkly.

"Impossible," said Ron, who was tucking into a large plate of eggs and bacon. "She can't get worse than she already is."

"She's going to want revenge for my grandfather appointing a new teacher without consulting her," said Estella. "Especially another part-human. You saw the look on her face when she saw Firenze. Little discriminatory-"

Harry slapped his hand over her mouth before she could finish the sentence.

As a dull March blurred into a squally April, their lives seemed to have become one long series of worries and problems again.

Umbridge had continued attending all Care of Magical Creatures lessons. Meanwhile, the teachers continued pestering them all about the importance of the upcoming exams. Estella already knew how important they were, she didn't need constant reminders.

Estella stood in the Room of Requirement helping Harry set up for their lesson before anyone else arrived. In the D.A. they had finally started working on Patronuses, which everybody had been very keen to practice, though Estella wondered how Umbridge was going to react when the members of the D.A. received "Outstanding" in their Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L.s.

Estella stood near the bookcase, grabbing the textbook Producing the Patronus Charm when arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her against a warm chest.

"Harry," she giggled, as he littered kisses down her neck.

"What?" he laughed. "I'm not doing anything."

Estella turned to face him, forgetting the book. "They're all going to be here soon," she said.

Harry shook his head. "Nope, we got another hour and a half," he said, grinning.

"You told me it was in thirty minutes!" Estella said, hitting him.

Harry caught her hands and held them above her head. "Hmm, I may have lied."

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