Chapter 20

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LOL So I got back some motivation yayy HAHA.

Merry Christmas guys! And thanks for still reading my book!

I wonder if I'll send a pic of my face again, thank you to the people who has seen it before HAHAHA I only have that one photo so yeah, I might put another one who knows :)

After Wing's explanation & stuff• • •

Wait... Isn't leaning Nen part of my mission!? Naruko exclaimed in her thoughts.

Yeah so after learning nen, you need to stay here for at least about 4 more years. Kurama continued.

"Oh... I NEED TO LEARN NEN!" Naruko suddenly jolted out of her daze and exclaimed.

"Well it is a power that dwells in everyone.. And there are two ways to awaken it. The deliberate way and the aggressive way." Wing explained.

"Zushi underwent the deliberate method, since he was a quick learner and trained hard, it took him about 6 months to master it."

"What!? That's way too long.. We need to learn Ten and pass through Hisoka's barrier before midnight!" Killua exclaimed, Naruko nodded at Killua's words before she realised what he mentioned.

"Yo yo hold up- What barrier?" Naruko asked, "Oh.. I think you were at the toilet while we were at the hallway." Gon stated.

"You took forever in the toilet though." Killua snorted out, "Hey! I was just.. dealing with business.." Naruko trailed off trying to think back.

Meh... I don't remember.

You were training Naruto while you were in the toilet. Kurama said with a deadpan.

"Oh... Yeah Haha.. But you never mentioned it-" Naruko tried saying, "Nuh uh! We did and you nodded at our words!" Gon exclaimed.

You nodded absentmindedly at their words when you were thinking up more training methods for Naruto.

"Uh... I guess I forgot?" Naruko chuckled out awkwardly.

[A/N: This all happened when I got lazy and said timeskip]

"*Cough* Anyways... You'll have to try the aggressive method if you want to learn Ten by midnight." Wing suggested.

"Will it be faster?" Killua asked.

"Well that depends on you, can you learn to hold your aura within your body before time runs out? That.. Is the key." Wing replied.

"Now.. I will direct my aura towards you and I will attempt to shock you into awakening so you can learn Ten more easily." He said as he raised up one of his hands.

"I have confidence that you will awaken your power, turn around and face your backs towards me. Girl... With your special friend you will do it after theirs." He said before a white aura surrounded him like he was charging up power.

"Oh yeah my friend!" Naruko giggled out when she remembered their shocked expression.

Hm... Kurama makes sure your power doesn't fight against that power later on. Naruko reminded him, Yeah.. Yeah but I will if it will hurt your body. Kurama replied with a slightly serious tone.

[A/N: BTW Kurama is back in Naruko's mindscape.. I totally forgot to mention it... He felt bad for biting her so he decided to get back into her mindscape.]

"Ayeeeee my turnnnnn!" Naruko cheered out as she went towards Wing who nodded at her, he placed both palms over her back.

She could sense both hands hovering over it when she begin to feel a burning hot sensation occur throughout her body like a sudden jolt.

Naruko x HxH (Slow update)Where stories live. Discover now