Left behind

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Kie hesitantly answered the call.


Her mother's voice trembled as Kie tried to make out the words she was saying.

She was able to understand a few words, but didn't get the understanding of what had happened.

"Uhm JJ.." Kie paused for a second. "Can you take me home? Please?"

"Yeah of course, is everything alright?"


When they arrived at Kie's house, she got out of the passenger door. She stood still for a moment

"Thank you JJ."

The boy nodded before giving a slight smile. "I'll be calling to check up" he said before driving down the road.

Kie let out a long sigh as she entered into the house. "Mom?" No answer. She walked further into the house. She heard quiet muffled cries. She followed the noise and soon came upon her parents room.

Kiara gave a small knock before slowing opening the door, stepping in.

There, her mother was kneeled at her bed crying.

Kie stepped over to the crying woman and began to speak. "What happened?"

Her mother was trying to contain her tears and steady her breathing.

"Where's dad?"

"He-he ...left" She managed to get out.

"What?" Kie said as she stepped closer.

In all reality, Kie didn't know if her and her mother would be okay without him. Sure they fought almost always, and Anna was constantly complaining and whining, but he's what still had the family all under one roof. He always stood up for Kiara against Anna. She knows Anna still loved him, even if she treated him the way she did. That may be hard to believe, but it is true.

Kiara hopes that Anna will realize that she ruined the family and drove Mike away, and have a change in her heart.

A/N: Well I just finished our Banks again, let me tell you it doesn't get any easier the more times you watch it 😭 udhgvudbinmkkk....honestly I want to watch it again..four times isn't that much right??

Sorry this chapter is so short, I havn't posted in a while and I actually finished this chapter like a week ago but I thought it was too short to publish. 🤷

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