-Meeting my future ex-fiance-

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Since I was too excited to use magic, I asked my mother to have a lesson the same day

So in the evening we went to the room where my tutor usually teaches me. My mother is very happy to teach me magic, she has always enjoyed it , and having a lot of talent and mana, she has practically reached the highest level possible.

If this weren't a patriarchal society, I'm sure my mother would have become a royal wizard

Arriving in the room she began to explain

"Everybody in this world has a mana core inside their body, it absorbs the mana, a form of energy present in the air and in everything that surrounds us that allow people to use their element"

"Water sphere"

Having said this she made a movement with her hand, a magic circle has condensed in her palm, making a sphere of water appear,

"Using our imagination we can shape our element at will"

The sphere of water changed into a horse and then a small mermaid that moved in the air as if she was in the sea

"But in case you don't keep your concentration ......"

Puff .... the siren hovering in the air suddenly disappeared

"Magic becomes unstable, dissipating into the environment"

"A true magician is therefore a person with vivid imagination, absolute concentration and a deep understanding of its element, if you can't focus well in your mind every detail of what you want to create the resulting magic will be scarce, moreover patchy and not well delineated details cause a loss of mana, and the complete depletion of mana causes the person to faint, in battle this is certain death "

I see,

Anyone can use magic, but the mana capacity and concentration determine a mage's abilities.

Battles between wizards must be exhausting both physically and mentally, your body must move and counterattack at the same time by imagining a detailed image, otherwise your magic will be scarce and you lose large amounts of mana. You cannot be afraid or have strong emotions but keep a decisive calm

I look at the woman in front of me,

If she is one of the best sorceresses in the realm, her concentration and imagination must be impressive.

"Your tutor told me you took the elemental's exam so what element do you have?"

"My tutor said I'm a mutant and I can use air, water and ice," I replied

She looked at me in amazement

"You are a mutant? But that's great! But you must be very careful, using magic for a mutant is really difficult, you have to have to struggle a lot as well as maintain concentration you have to know the composition of every single element. It's very easy for a mutant to lose control "

"Try to create a sphere of water too" she said gently

I closed my eyes to concentrate, I felt the same sensation I had experienced on the exam, the strange energy was forming again inside me, and I directed that energy towards my hand, a magic circle has formed at this point I open my eyes

"Water sphere"

A sphere of water like my mother's appeared in front of me, I tried to make it change shape by making a horse appear but the horse created by me was much less detailed, compared to my mother's it could not even be considered a horse

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