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He always loved the rain, though he wasn't quite sure why. He can't touch rain, or water in general, without it hurting him.

Maybe he loved the rain back when he was alive? He doesn't remember.

For some strange reason though, snow seems to be fine for him, despite the fact that it was just frozen water. Maybe the fact that it's frozen keeps him from getting hurt? He doesn't know.

But, he gets to stay and talk with Phil while he's waiting for the rain to stop, and he's perfectly fine with that.


He used to love the rain.

He doesn't anymore.

The rain brought him memories. Memories that will haunt him forever.

He wish he could live like Ghostbur. Live in ignorant bliss, not knowing or caring about what is going on in the world around him.

But he can't do that. Right now, they're hunting a swine with multiple war crimes that simply just refused to stay out of L'manburg, while living in fear of what the masked man will do to them.

Maybe Technoblade was right. Maybe power does corrupt.

I mean, look at him. The once sweet innocent boy that couldn't hurt a fly had turned into a cold president, resulting in locking up Phil, and hunting down the very man who said that this would happen.

Every time he looks in the mirror, he sees Schlatt.

Maybe they're the bad guys...maybe they were always the bad guys....

But is that so bad?


How did it come to this?

His son created a nation that he destroyed after making Tubbo president, Tubbo then proceeded to exile Tommy, who then offed himself, and now the entirety of L'manburg is hunting down Techno.

For a nation that originally swore to never use violence, there's an awful lot of violence being used here.

Brothers formed a nation, and it's those very same brothers that broke it.

How ironic that a nation formed of love is now filled with hate.

And how funny that the one person that had kept L'manburg's ideals was Tommy.

Maybe he should've been president instead.

Or maybe they should've listened to Techno.


He told them that power corrupts, but did they listen?

They don't get rain here. Instead, they have snow.

So he watched Tommy sit by the freezing river, the snowflakes falling in his hair. He doesn't seem fazed by the snow anymore.

He walked outside, joining his little brother by the riverbank.

"You should go inside. It's freezing out here."

"I like it out here. It's calm."

He snickered as he watching a couple of salmon swim down the river.

"You're the last person I expected to enjoy the quiet."

"People change, Techno. I know that all too well."

He frowned at Tommy's comment. He knew that Tommy knew how quickly and easily people change.

Everyone changes, for better or for worse.


481 words

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