Bruce Banner X Reader - Impossible

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Impossible' by Nothing But Thieves. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had been trying to decide whether you wanted to attend Tony's party for far too long already. Ever since the invites had gone out over a week ago, you'd been attempting to figure out whether it would be worth it. Likelihood was it would go the way of every other one of his parties. You would get all dressed up, and you'd have a couple of drinks, and then the boys from S.H.I.E.L.D would each take a chance at hitting on you. Eventually, you would get bored and you would head back to your rooms early in favour of scrolling through social media in bed. 

You were tapping a pen against your lip as you worked, thinking of the party rather than the gadget in front of you. It had been plaguing you all week and you still hadn't been able to figure out how you would tell Tony that you didn't want to go. He was so good at persuading you to do what he wanted, and as his friend it hardly felt right to be searching for an excuse to skip out on him, so it wouldn't be hard for him to guilt trip you into attending. 

A mug being placed down in front of you drew you out of your own thoughts, and when you glanced up Bruce was smiling down at you. "You looked a little spaced out," he uttered, nudging the mug a little closer to you and letting out a small chuckle when you hastily took it from him. You gripped the mug in both hands, taking a deep breath and revelling in the smell. 

"Thank you," you told him, pausing for just a moment. "Finding it really hard to concentrate today," you added, punctuating your sentence with a tentative sip from the steaming mug. 

"What's on your mind?" You remained silent for a moment, considering your answer. It would be so easy to lie. You could say you were thinking about politics, or family disagreements, or work stuff. Of course, you were a horrific liar, and always had been, and it was likely he would see through the charade as soon as it had begun. "I promise I won't tell anyone," he prompted, offering you a small smile when you finally returned your gaze to him. 

You frowned slightly, placing the mug down and running your finger over the rim of the cup. "Does it make me a horrendous person if I was trying to think up an excuse for getting out of Tony's party?" 

Bruce released a small snort of laughter. "No more horrendous than me," he chuckled, shaking his head. "I've been looking for a way out of those things for years; still unsuccessful, unfortunately."

You shook your head, attempting to hold back the smile that blossomed on your lips. "It's nothing against Tony, I just-" you paused, releasing a deep sigh. "I hardly know anyone, and he  abandons me to the crowd the moment he arrives-" 

"He won't let you out of it, you know?" 

You practically groaned at his comment, leaning back in your seat. "I know." You lifted your hands to your head pressing your fingers against your temple. "I know it's ridiculous to be trying this hard to get out of it, but it's just another evening of smiling and pretending that I don't want to murder every single S.H.I.E.L.D. agent that comes over thinking he's the hottest thing since sliced bread." 

"Just come and stand with me, they'll stop bothering you." He stopped for a moment, offering you a small smile when you opened your eyes. "I'll introduce you to some of the Avengers lot. It's about time they met the woman that's been keeping them alive for so long."

You let out a soft chuckle at his comment, shaking your head. "I couldn't impose on you and your friends like that, it's be-"

"You aren't imposing," he interrupted, moving away to sit back at his work station and sending you another smile. "I'll pick you up at your apartment at 8," he added, causing your stomach to flip.

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