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Olivia looked at me with pride in her eyes. After Pauline came to Liv's room to get ready with us, I brought our suitcases where we had our dresses for the Ball. Liv was incredibly nervous even though her date for the Ball was only a friend. Her dress was gorgeous, it was a light blue princess style that was tight in her breasts and waist and accentuated the moles in her arms and collarbones, after one hour of indecision she chose to wear her hair in a high ponytail with two pieces of hair framing her face. Pauline got out of the bathroom already dressed as well. She was wearing a lilac dress, which accentuated her shiny and beautiful dark skin, with a suggestive neckline that adjusted to her waist.

"Wow, that colour really suits you!" I said looking at her from up to down.

She laughed, "Thank you! It's the colour of my house in Beauxbatons, Papillonlisse."

Her hair was also braided with beautiful Senegalese twists braids that were decorated with little gold rings in them.

"But, girl! You look absolutely incredible too! I'm gonna be so envied tonight." she complimented me grabbing my hands to see my dress better.

I chose a tight burgundy dress made with an opening in my left leg that almost reached my hip. It exposed the zone of my collarbones and shoulders, giving a lot of attention to them with an accentuated neckline. It was suggestive and sensual, standing out the right parts of my body, but also elegant and comfortable.

"And we both know by who, right, Livie?" Pauline continued, winking at Liv.

I raised one eyebrow looking at them confused.

"Who are you talking about?"

"If we tell you it wouldn't be funny," Olivia said with a soft voice.

"You know? Sometimes I wonder why you aren't in Slytherin, Olivia. You can be a bitch when you want to."

She laughed.

"I learnt from the best." she winked at me.

"Okay, that was cute. But if you were talking about Cedric you should already know our thing is over. We haven't had sex together in like two years, since he started fancying Chang."

"We were not talking about Ced," Olivia answered fixing her make-up with a suspicious smile. "Even though he was one of your last fucks."

"Hang on, when was the last time you had sex?" Pauline talked at the same time with a horrified expression.

"Like a year ago, with a muggle girl..."

"Are you saying you haven't had sex since your last time with that girl and this guy, Cedric, before? Ce n'est pas possible! "

"I've been quite busy and I'm doing well with myself," I replied smiling with confidence. "I have two hands for a reason."

A little knock could be heard from outside of Liv's room.

"Oli, are you ready?" Matthews asked behind the door.

"In a minute!" she replied putting more gloss on her lips.

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