Chapter 23: Today's A New Day

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Epona's POV:

For a long time, all I saw was darkness. All I felt was the cold dryness of the dark. All I knew, was darkness. 

And then there was warmth. But that warmth faded as I encountered what was right in front of me from new eyes. Through another's eyes. And I fell. Although my body didn't, my mind fell back down to the cold dark place. And there's beam of light, with a hand, urging me to grab it, to leave the darkness, but it's out of my reach. So I cringe back into the dark, closing my eyes, knowing it is the place I am going to be for a long time. Knowing it is the place I am in. 

The place I deserve to be.

In the shadows.

I walked through the halls, looking for Phineas. I hadn't seen him in a little while, and I wanted to tell him I was sorry for being selfish. Maybe he's in the Library. I need to stop there anyways. Thought I'd read up on Potions seeing as I need to make up my brewing quiz thing because I missed it.

I walked past the bookshelves, tracing my fingers on the old wood and golden labels for each section. Come to think of it, I haven't been in the Library even though I've walked by countless times.

The room was dimly lit, and there were three rows of three tables, each with a singular lamp to light it. At the farthest away table, I saw him. I felt myself smile as I saw the pale blonde reading and taking down notes on the paper. It was the first time I had seen him so focused. Normally he seemed so apathetic about schoolwork.

Guess you can't become one of the smartest people in the school without doing anything. I was tempted to walk towards him and sit with him, but something held me back. I don't want to intrude. I wouldn't want to be a distraction.

But he lifted his head before I could turn away. There were no words said for a moment. We just looked into each others eyes. 

Draco cleared his throat, "Sit."

I nodded and walked over to the back table and sat next to him. I looked at his notes. They were very organized, with lists and categories for each one. At the top it read: Potions. Potions was his best class. Snape surprisingly didn't give us any homework, but I guess he gave it to Draco. I guess he wants his best pupil to stay his best. 

But this was sixth year stuff. I know because Fred and George told me about it and helped me study. If you call helping me giving me their notebooks and saying go to town. 

I felt his eyes carefully examine me. Draco was always studying people. If you know him well enough, it gets easy to tell. His eyes always dart to look at people who are deemed important to him in some way. Like how he knew when Harry was going to try and put a spell on him, so he shot back and made both shots miss and hit their friends. If you could call Goyle his friend. If there's one fault about Draco it's that he thinks everyone is below him.

"You don't look well. You didn't in class either. What did he do?" Draco asked, picking his words carefully.

As did I, knowing exactly what he meant, "Phineas didn't do anything. I was just being dramatic about things. Besides, I'm not here to talk about him." 

He raised an eyebrow, and his eyes darted down then back up to my own, "Then why are you here?"

I ran my finger along his notes, "I didn't get to take the test from Snape; so I figured I'd take some time to study before I had to take it." I replied, leaning my head in my hand, my elbow on the table propping me up.

Draco leaned in closer, "You know, I could help with that. I'm quite good at Potions."

We hadn't broken eye contact for the last minute, "I do know. After all, you are doing work for the sixth years. You should relax."

He smirked, and traced his finger down my face, "Oh? And how do you suggest I do that?"

I thought for a moment, "Well, you could always come meet me outside the castle tonight. Over the summer I got very fond of stargazing."

He continued to wear his signature smirk, "Breaking the rules, I see. Well" He chuckled, "I'll meet you there."

"Effie? Are you in here?" A voice called from the entrance.

Only at that moment did I realize how close Draco and I's faces were to each others. I cleared my throat and moved backwards, tucking my hair behind my ear. I leaned over the table, peering through the bookshelves to see who was asking for me.

It was Phineas. 

"Yeah! Back here!" I called to him, and all of a sudden Draco was back to taking notes, and handed me a book, open part way.

His footsteps echoed through the library, and I smiled when he was in view. He smiled back, until his eyes moved to the seat next to me, where Draco was sitting.

"What his he doing here?" Phineas hissed, and Draco looked up, annoyed.

"I was here first." 

Before Phineas could say anything that would result in both of the boys getting hurt, I spoke up, "Since I struggle with Potions, Draco offered to help me. That's okay, right?"

He glared at Draco and turned back to me, "Sure. But don't be alone with him. Always bring a friend. Like August or Hermione."

"Okay!" I smiled.

"Now come on, I'll walk you back to the Slytherin dorms." Phineas told me, and I got up, grabbing my bag.

I waved goodbye to Draco, "See ya'."

I saw Phineas smile at Draco too, "Bye, friend." 

Draco's POV:

That fucking bastard. I saw Phineas put his arm around Epona as they walked out of the library. As soon as they were gone, I threw the book at the bookcase across from me, and put my head in my hands. Dust flew all over, and there was a loud bang as the books and one of the shelves fell onto the floor. 

I got up, shoving my notes into my bag and walked out. I saw Crabbe and Goyle in the door way, and as one of them started to speak I waved my hand at them.

"Go and get Filch to clean up the mess." I growled, not even looking at the two.

Who the fuck does this guy think he is? He can't just control her life like that. Except that's exactly why he chose Epona. Phineas just wants someone he can control.

Who's easier to control than a naive, innocent, anxious girl who has pressure on her from every direction? He preys on Epona because he knows she'll see him as the supportive person backing her up, not the one making her feel shitty. Because Epona doesn't want to let anyone down. Because she's going to convince herself that because he says nice things to her once in a while, she's the bad guy when he yells.

I know because I've lived that. My parents are assholes, and all I crave are those compliments I get every two years. When the rest of the time I'm told I'm a disappointment. But I know the world. Epona can't see that he's not a good person. And she won't unless someone shows her in every way possible.

That's what makes this situation so fucking shitty. Because when being manipulated like that, you tend to see things through very strong rose colored glasses.


Hey, i forgot to say something at the end of last chapter, so here I am now. So now I ask, what's your opinion on the story? And yes- we all want Phineas to burn, but he's building up to a very cool moment, so don't worry.

Anyways, I hope wherever you are you're having a good day/night! 

Until Next Time, Byeee! 

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