Chapter 45: Scarlett

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Two months go by, Two months of Boris forcing himself on me and me begging him too stop but of course he never does. He doesn't care, He hates me for staying with George, So he hits and forces himself on me and now I'm pregnant with my third child. One child I could deal with of his, Hand him off to governesses or his father. But two? How can I deal with two of his children? My worst enemy other then Alice, I shiver in disgust at her name as I sit on a terrace looking out over the landscape. Wondering what George thinks, If that bitch has turned him against me, Wondering how I'm going to tell that Devil that I'm pregnant with his child again. He has the son he's wanted, I know he won't be happy, I sigh as I hear the door open behind me knowing exactly who it is. "Get up you whore, It's time for your punishment." He snickers grabbing my arm harshly, I know exactly what he means about "Punishment" He's going to force himself on me again for his sick twisted pleasure from my unwillingness. "Stop! I need to talk to you." I snap pulling myself away and hating the words that came out of my mouth. "What do you want you bitch?" He snaps impatiently and annoyed "It's your wifely duties." He snickers grabbing my waist this time "I am with child that is what!" I yell pushing him off me "What?" He roars at me angrily and I flinch "It is yours." I look him in his harsh dark eyes "How can you be so careless!" He yells "I have not done anything! I could not have prevented this!" I yell back, All my anger at him hurting me and forcing himself on me "By not being such a whore for me!" He yells and I almost laugh, A whore for him? The only reason women whore themselves to him is for his money "A whore for you? You are a whore for yourself!" I spit at his feet "What did you call me you little bitch." He snarls grabbing my arms with so much force I'm scared they'll snap like twigs in his grip "I called what you are! A man whore who cares for nothing but himself!" I say bravely staring him down, Trying to desperately show I'm not afraid even though I'm shaking inside "I dare you to call me that again." He says after slapping me across the face but I don't care, All my anger towards him and Alice is coming out now "You son of a bitch! You disgusting pig!" I scream "Be careful what you say." He says darkly and it sends shivers up and down my spine but I keep going "Let me go! I will say whatever I want to you because you deserve it all!" I say struggling in his grip as he tightens it leaving bruises for later "If you weren't pregnant you'd be dead by now, Count yourself lucky." He snarls in my ear and for a moment I can't get my breath out his threat is so real and for a moment I'm thankful for this baby. I muster up my courage again knowing he can't beat me while I'm pregnant "Damn you to hell you sick bastard!" I spit in his face and he slaps me, Throwing me harshly against the wall "Do you wish to repeat yourself?" He snarls and I refuse to give up and give him my submission because once he breaks my spirit it's all over "Stop it! You wouldn't dare kill me." I hold my bleeding lip, Sitting in the ground "Killing you would be too fast, I'd like to see you suffer." He yanks me up and starts twisting my arm "You would risk killing another son as well?" I look up at him, Tears forming in my eyes but keeping my face stony, Showing no pain "Oh Natasha you silly woman," He steps on my toes and cups my chin in his hand while I breath fast and look at the Devil with hatred in my eyes "If anything happens to the child, I will kill you." He says so normally it strikes fear into my heart and I know he isn't lying, I cannot let anything happen to this child no matter how much I hate it. It's a fight for survival. "Like you care what happens to it." I barely make my voice above a whisper "If it's a son I do." He lifts my chin up and turns it left and right "Shame, A pretty whore gone to waste pining over a married man." He pushes me away and walks off as I collapse against the wall, Hating this, Hating life and almost wanting to die if it weren't for my son and George I cry all my hatred and sadness into my hands until I can't cry anymore.

My pregnancy goes by quickly here, Away from George and the rest of the world. He hasn't written, I don't think he wants to hear from me or see me, I hate that witch for turning him against me. He'll see through it, He has too. The child she has given birth too a few months isn't George's. It can't be. He wouldn't do that, I think to myself as I hold my Duckie on my lap one evening, Almost to full term with the child I'm carrying. "I wanna feel mama!" He smiles his little smile, Now speaking in full sentences and  fully walking by himself even though I like holding his hand as he walks next to me. "Alright my Duckie." I laugh and move my hands from my stomach so he can feel as he puts his small hands on my large stomach. "Was I like that mama?" He asks looking up with me with his golden brown eyes "Just two years ago." I smile at him as the baby kicks, It seems like a million years away. The innocent times, I feel old now, Like these two years have aged me a hundred. All of a sudden I start feeling pain in my stomach, "My love, You should get to bed." I hold in my groan as my stomach contracts and water comes down my dress "I'll be back Duckie." I groan and stand up dragging myself along the pieces of furniture to my bedroom and a maid finally calls for midwife. Hours pass of pain and no fruit comes from it, No baby just pain as I keep groaning and screaming just wanting this child out of me. The maid that stands mopping my brow from sweat looks wide eyed at the midwife as if something is abnormal and I know too. Everyone knows, There's something wrong. I can't lose this child, He'll kill me like he said. "What is it?" I groan holding onto the headboard as tightly as I can "Don't lie I know it's something." I strain against the pain as the midwife comes into view "Ma'am, The baby, The baby it's feet is coming before the head." She says as I go wide eyed, "Most babies like this usually die. Unless we cut it out." She says quietly, "No! No!" I scream, I can't let this baby die and I can't be dead because of this either. "I think I should ask your husband Miss." she says hobbling our as I scream in agony clutching the maids hand "Please, Please don't let me die." I hold her hand as tightly as I can looking up at her with a crazed look as if I were a caged wild animal. She let's go of my hand and looks at me scared to death backing away "Tell, Tell George-" I try to struggle my last words to her out before a contraction interrupts and I cry out in agony again. I can't die without letting George know I love him. I can see the midwife talking to Boris through the open door and he looks at me biting his nail  "The child." I see his mouth move to the midwife, Sealing my fate as I lay back onto the pillows. Tonight is the night I'm going to die, I won't see my son grow up, George will never know. I can't die, I refuse to die. The midwife hobbles back in shutting the door behind her as she looks at me sorrowfully "No! Try something else!" I scream desperately, I won't let them cut this child out of me. The young maid looks at the midwife "Alright, One more thing." She mutters putting pressure on my stomach as I scream.

I'm alive, The baby a girl and healthy. I look down at her in my arms, I love her, Not like his son, She is my sweet little girl, My Nightingale and I will make sure she's nothing like her father. I am forever to the midwife that saved both our lives, I think as I smile down at my baby girl studying the features of her face as she sleeps and the dark plume of hair on her head. I kiss her in between the eyes as Boris walks in, I hate him more then ever. Why can't he just die? Or leave with his son? I hold my perfect little baby to my chest as he walks over "Show me the child." He says montonely not caring since it is a girl and not another son "It is a girl and her name is Alice." Alice because George told me he wanted a little and I have given it to him even though he's not her real father he can still be a father too her "You names her after the person you hate the most?" He laughs as my baby shifts in my arm, Asleep "I named her after my cousin. Names don't mean anything." I lie, Hating that bitch "You name her after the woman that is standing of the way you having George you named MY daughter Alice because you hate her and you hate me." He says and it's the most truthful thing that's ever come out of his disgusting mouth "She is not YOUR daughter you bastard. She is mine and I will make sure she's nothing like you." I say and smile down at my little again trying to ignore the Devil in front of me "You are such a hypocrite you only love her because you think it spites me but you hate our son because I wanted him." He laughs "I love her because she is my daughter who is nothing like you. I have tried with your son and he is just like you." I say thinking of the now one year old in the nursery "You gave up because you hate him, You are a witch not a mother." He snaps his fingers and the maid who just helped deliver her takes her out of my arms "You are not fit to be a mother." He taunts "Give her back you bastard! She is my baby not yours! You are not fit to be a human!" I say slapping him across the face. He yanks me out of bed in my fragile and weak state and pushes me against the wall pinning my hands up against it "I can make you feel true pain, Just like on our wedding night do not forget." He snarls as I breath heavily thinking of that night, It was worse then any other beating he could give me "You are a sick sick bastard!" I spit in his face as he pushes me harder and punches me in my stomach and i crumble to the ground in pain "And you are a dirty bitch." He says and leaves me alone.

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